Vegan granola bars

Hey all the granola bars I look for contain dairy is there any vegan friendly granola bars out there. If there is what is the brand name called and where did you get it. Or any recipe I can make. This would help me a lot because I always eat a granola bar for a snack.


  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    edited June 2016
    made good , taste of nature, lara bars, luna bars,clif bars

    i get them all at great canadian superstore ,costco , fresh co, walmart , sobeys
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    This might be a dumb question (sorry if it is) but is honey vegan? If so, I love this recipe:

    I use real brown sugar though (it's such a small amount), and sometimes I use trail mix with nuts and dried fruit instead of apples. I also use different cereals sometimes. They come out really soft at first but after a day (or a couple hours if you put them in the fridge) they stiffen up to a solid but chewy consistency. I cut them into bars and wrap each one in wax paper- seems to help keep them from getting stale.