Help!!! ]:

OK, here's my dilemma.

Not sure if anyone can relate but...

2 weeks ago I was in a really bad car wreck, since then all I can do is lay down and even that sometimes causes me pain. Im trying really hard to keep my mood up but well honestly its not easy at all. Im feeling like everything i've worked for is going to go down the drain, i've gained atleast 3-5lbs since and thats putting me down more. My appetite is very little or not there at all, I honestly dont know what I can do to keep my mood in check.

Im bored constantly and that leads to indulging in food I shouldn't. With the the injuries I have I seriously feel like giving up and starting over when im 100%, which I know wont make me feel any better. :frown:

What do I do?!?!?!

BTW this took forever to write with one hand lol


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    If you are in pain from your car accident you should probably ask for a prescription for some physical therapy from your treating doctor. It won't fix you, but it will get you up, moving and show you what you can do at home to help yourself. If you want to try a more holistic approach I'd recommend a chiropractor and a massage therapist, sometimes they are both in the same office.

    They'll probably also tell you to ice the affected area, I strongly recommend doing this several times a day for at least 20 mins each time, but make sure you give it an hour in between ices.

    I've been also dealing with chronic pain from tendonitis and bursitis since last year and I can tell you personally how depressing it is and how isolated and useless you can feel. I ate and drank a lot last year and FINALLY dug deep and found myself 30 days ago and am now taking control of my life. Don't wait as long as I did.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Go to see a doctor about the physical pain, and see a therapist about the emotional pain.

    A friend of mine was in a pretty bad wreck, and he ended up seeing a therapist and it helped him immensely. I've been seeing a therapist since I began my weight loss journey just over 2 years ago, and it's helped a lot.

    When I was considering lap-band surgery, the surgeon asks patients to get a physical and make sure there are no issues like thyroid problems before doing surgery. One of those get the body fixed up, then get a therapist to help with the head. Then we can work on the body.