What should my daily calorie intake be? Please help!

My main goal is to lose weight right now. I have been eating 1200 calories/day as recommended for the last 4 months (I have lost 12 pounds.) However, since stumbling on this this evening, I am a bit apprehensive to eat 1440 calories every day as I am afraid I will not see the weight loss I am so desperately working towards (Ideally 1 lb a week, but okay with 0.5 every now and then.)

Do you think I should continue eating 1200 or 1400? Please see picture below. I am just a bit confused to why it's giving me two different calorie goals.

Thank you in advance!



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    The fitness goals are based on the number of times you told MFP you plan on exercising per week. They have no influence on your calorie goal unless you log your exercise. How much do you have left to lose?
  • eringrace95_
    eringrace95_ Posts: 296 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    My main goal is to lose weight right now. I have been eating 1200 calories/day as recommended for the last 4 months (I have lost 12 pounds.) However, since stumbling on this this evening, I am a bit apprehensive to eat 1440 calories every day as I am afraid I will not see the weight loss I am so desperately working towards (Ideally 1 lb a week, but okay with 0.5 every now and then.)

    Do you think I should continue eating 1200 or 1400? Please see picture below. I am just a bit confused to why it's giving me two different calorie goals.

    Thank you in advance!


    What are your measurements? Go to https://tdeecalculator.net and fill out the info to see how many calories are being burned on average daily, it's generally suggested you eat under that (my TDEE is 2100 so I generally eat 1600 cals a day to lose) and with the deficit you'd lose a pound a week.

    This method INCORPORATES weekly calories burned through exercise so if you decide to go that route do NOT eat back exercise calories
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited June 2016
    It's saying eat 1200 and that you have a goal to burn 1440 through exercise (which won't be factored into your calories until you actually log the exercise).

    So basically you have a goal to consume a NET of 1200 calories per day and a fitness goal to burn 1440 calories a week through exercise (when you workout you will get 1200+any logged exercise calories).

    It's not suggesting that you eat 1440.