So disappointed in myself

michelle_frew Posts: 14 Member
edited June 2016 in Chit-Chat
Today I weight myself for the first time in say 9 months I have gained a crazy 3 stone. I put it down to medication but that is just an excuse to make me feel better I stood on 3 sets of scales and was horrified to what I saw when I thought I was lighter . I need help .. If anyone could share what they have in day or tips I'd love this and be grateful xx


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You hadn't noticed any weight gain in 9 months until you stood on the scales? Really?
  • michelle_frew
    michelle_frew Posts: 14 Member
    Yes as silly as it may sound I didn't notice I still fit in my closes little snug though and always had big thighs so my weight gain hasn't kicked in till i thought I need to weigh myself .

    Yeah Louise I also have a bad habit of comfort eating but I want to change this into healthy eating with some cheat days so I don't rebound.
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    Well at least you've noticed now and are doing something about it. :)
    Losing weight is hard but simple at the same time. You just have to be consistent. It's really important that you set yourself achievable goals and don't have your calories too low because you'll be starving and want to (and probably will) give up. 1lb a week is a decent amount of weight to lose (you'll probably lose more than this in the first few weeks though).
    Eat normal healthy food. Weigh EVERYTHING before you eat it and log it in your diary. As far as exercise goes.. It depends on you, just move more. I go for an hours walk each day as it's all I can fit in at the moment and it's working for me.
    Also, just accept that it's going to take time. Trust in the fact that if you are in a calorie deficit, you are moving more and eating better food. You WILL lose weight. Learn to enjoy the process. Add me if you like :smile: good luck!