
Arucard5 Posts: 39 Member
I've been on a calorie deflect for months now I've lost a nice amount of weight. Though my stomach isn't completely flat. I want to start bulking when the winter comes until the summer rolls around again. Would I be able to bulk without actually getting fat?


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Fat gain is inevitable in a surplus, but can be minimized by Having a slight surplus. Allowing muscle growth with minimal fat gain
  • Arucard5
    Arucard5 Posts: 39 Member
    Fat gain is inevitable in a surplus, but can be minimized by Having a slight surplus. Allowing muscle growth with minimal fat gain
    How would I go about doing that?
  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    It's all a numbers game. Start out eating a little bit above your Maintence. Maybe 200 calories more than Maintence. If you don't see any noticeable muscle gain in a few weeks, up it to 300-400 over Maintence. If you notice fat gain drop your calories back down a bit... It's not an easy process at all and IMO much harder than just losing weight. I lost 90 pounds last year but have struggled like hell trying to bulk and gain muscle back without fat but it's a battle I know can and must be conquered.