any Whole30 advice??



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think OP is more the type who just wants some structure, or a strict plan to follow because moderation without guidelines is difficult for some.

    That's why I advocate moderation with guidelines, tailored to the individual, and the individual him-/herself will be the most competent tailor in 99% of instances, barring real and diagnosed medical issues that warrant a particular diet, and in those cases, the person will already be under the care and guidance of professionals and hopefully be given an appropriate plan.

    I understand that MFP can feel overwhelming and confusing for some. But I don't understand why anyone would choose to work with something they find not only utterly overwhelming and confusing, but also diametrically opposite to what they consider logical, intuitive and necessary, and don't want to challenge their views of what's logical, intuitive and necessary.
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    extra_medium totally nailed it when she said the OP is the type who wants some structure. I am the OP and I really really thrive on structure!!!! I am not a moderation girl in any area--if there are cookies I will eat ALL of them, not just one or two which is a normal, sustainable thing. Please don't yell at me and say no foods are bad, you can have everything you like--I know this is true, but at this moment I just cannot with the cookies. Nothing is wrong with me that self control wouldn't fix. I am making my own choices--I get it. I have 30 pounds to lose...again...and I get tired of thinking so much about food. I know there are folks here who feel the same way. I also know there is no way around the cold hard truth--eat less, move more. I know. Just flailing a bit...
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Then don't eat cookies. You don't need cookies. But not eating cookies doesn't have to mean that you can't have beans, or meat, or dairy, or grains, or nuts. And you can plan once and eat 1000 times. I think that's all we are trying to say.