What irritates group instructors?

Does anyone know what type of things students do that irritate group instructors?

I try really hard to not be an irritant and like to stand at the back and try to be invisible but sometimes if there is no room I am forced to be at the front. How can I push myself and not be irritating at the same time?

Any group instructors out there with a list of pet peeves?


  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yeah I'm not an instructor either, but I do find the classes I attend with the most energy are when there is a bit of laughter going on. Everyone has the few odd giggles at times. Instructors are there to do a job & part of that is ensuring your going to come back for classes in the future.

    However, saying that instructors all have their individual styles i.e. I could better say what annoys me about them lol; I have one class where the girl starts singing at the hardest bits (normally I can't even breathe by this point!). In a different class though I have an instructor who gets off the spin bike & to time relays & you can literally see the sweat dripping off her! I LOOOOVE this. At least I know I'm not in it alone suffering :laugh: