Chondromalacia Patellae

secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
edited June 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
After many road races, triathlons, heavy lifting, 7 years in Thai kickboxing, mountain biking, I've finally been done in by a bloody Jillian Michaels video.

At least, that's what I think. Was recently diagnosed with Chondromalacia Patellae (medical term for "stupid knee") after two months of on-and-off swelling/effusion in my knee. After an MRI, I was found to have two bone-deep fissures in my articular cartilage. I'm still waiting on a referral to a knee surgeon, but I know this condition is helped largely (if not entirely) by good physiotherapy, especially because it looks more like a sports-related injury rather than anything degenerative/pathological/arthritic. I've gotten tired of waiting, so I've decided to see a physiotherapist today and get started on treatment, even if it's out-of-pocket.

I hope he asks how I've injured myself so I can say "getting Ripped In 30" and feel like a real idiot because I'm not even a little bit ripped.

I'm only 33. At this point I'd prefer to have my knee amputated and just get my tibia grafted directly to my femur.

Anyone else dealing with this nonsense? What was your recovery like? What kind of exercises do you do after (or during) recovery?