Need to loose 20 before Sept. 1st.

I'm a whole foods plant based girl who struggles with loosing weight unless I have accountability...daily. I've done a 12 step group around this, but prefer to just go to a meeting now and then to get pumped up, as my husband and I have a life. I get more out of taking my quiet time and focusing on God. So, this morning I had a simple breakfast of fruit and nuts and hiked up a mountain for over an hour. After lunch I'm getting a bag of clay and going to throw until dinner and then go to an art meeting with my husband. I'm letting go of doing things that drag me down or depress me...unless I need an attitude change.


  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    Put your info in MFP, and weigh your food every bite. Eat at a deficit. You have 11 weeks you may be able to do it unless it is your last 20 to lose, and I hear the closer to your goal the more difficult to lose.