Ladies - how do you deal with 'that time'?



  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    This is how I dealt with it: H.Y.S.T.E.R.E.C.T.O.M.Y. :tongue:

    ditto. I am so thankful I don't have that issue anymore.
  • thefullmontysmom
    thefullmontysmom Posts: 148 Member
    All very helpful tips... even the hysterectomy lol! I have been slacking on my water in take, that may help! And I'll just force myself to get to yoga at least 2 times this week, maybe 3! Gotta get my grove back!!
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (except I feel even worse when my period actually starts), so this is a difficult time for me with exercise and food. I get bad cravings, I have a tendency to binge eat, my moods go up and down, I feel like I'm getting the flu, I'm overcome with exhaustion, and I bleed heavily. I had my period last week and tried to be conscious of not binge eating, doing less exercise, nurturing my body (and mind), and trying to rest.

    I usually eat my Basal Metabolic Rate instead, which is around 1700. Some days I eat a little over this, if I've done a lot of exercise. This is working for me, I'm losing about 1kg (2.2lbs) a week. So when my period started, I dramatically increased the calories I ate some days to around 2000+ calories. I even had a blow out - on one day of socialising and extreme hunger I ate around 2,600 calories. I only fit in three workouts in this week, but they were big ones, 45 minutes of HIIT, an hour of weights, and half an hour of core/strength work each time. The other days, I went straight home after work, ate dinner and snacks, crawled into bed and watched TV, and rested. I did do some extra walking in this week too, to make up for not going to the gym.

    If I craved something I didn't deny myself, but I made healthier choices about it. Most days (not just during my cycle) I'll eat (raw) chocolate and a low calorie ice cream, so I continued to. I ate more carbs in the week of my period, more red meat and green veges and more chocolate.

    When I weighed myself at the end of the week when I was no longer retaining so much water, I'd lost 2.1kgs (4.6lbs). This is probably my best week so far, and I was shocked. Everyone has a different metabolism and we all do different amounts and levels of exercise, so this won't work for everyone of course. I'll be curious to see if I lose weight next period, if I follow a similar week of eating and exercise.

    My biggest advice would be to nurture your body and mind in this time. Rest if you feel you need to. Don't beat yourself up if you eat something you're craving. Listen to your body.
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Maybe dark chocolate... loads.... hard candy...... ( takes a long time to keep your mouth busy )..... tictacs.....
    Not that I follow my own advice.... but I am always ravenous and eat way more than normal people.... but then I exercise more than normal people too.....
    generally speaking I go with the "listen to your body" idea.... if your body asks for it , it needs it.... and carbs are important.... view those days as carb loading days.... it'll get better after antie goes.....
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    This is how I dealt with it: H.Y.S.T.E.R.E.C.T.O.M.Y. :tongue:

    Not a bad idea!

    If I didn't want children first I would be having a hysterectomy right now!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    This is how I dealt with it: H.Y.S.T.E.R.E.C.T.O.M.Y. :tongue:

    Not a bad idea!

    If I didn't want children first I would be having a hysterectomy right now!

    Yeah not sure I want them, but just incase I'm keeping all my parts for now.

    Oh and OP also I sometimes take a nap if I can. If I'm sleeping I'm not eating LOL
  • Librarymind
    Librarymind Posts: 20 Member
    It is important to not even joke about hysterectomies. Please see this short film about how women need to stay intact and whole and why. It took me awhile to dig this film up, but it's very important.