Losing weight with chronic illness

Does anyone else have trouble losing weight with chronic Illnesses? I was down to 130lbs last April, but I gained back all 70 of the pounds I lost because I am having so much of an issue with chronic pain. I have myofiber atrophy type II, dysautonomia, chronic migraine, and a litany of other issues and when I exercise it makes my pain so much worse. The pain also makes me only be able to sleep about 2-4 hours a day which does not help because that makes me extremely hungry all the time. I'm trying to lose my weight again, but I'm having trouble dealing with the hunger and with getting exercise. Working 12 hour shifts is also not helping me to have enough energy to exercise.

Does anyone else have these issues and if so, what are you doing?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Can your doctors do more for your pain and sleep issues? If you could sleep more you would be much more successful.
    Some people with similar issues have found improvement with yoga or tai chi. Some simply do a little gentle walking or swimming to feel better.
    Weight loss is mostly about the amount of food you eat.
    In other words,
    Buy a scale that measures in grams,
    Spend a couple of weeks getting used to measuring and weighing and logging
    Be patient
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    My doctors don't really have any answers. I take 100mg of Topamax a day for my migraines which is also supposed to suppress my appetite, but it doesn't do the second part at all. I can't take any strong pain meds, so they just have me on 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours for pain. I take Melatonin for sleep since I can't take prescription sleep medications, but it doesn't help.

    I have tried yoga, but it hurts too much. Just walking hurts. Last year at this time I was exercising an hour a day every day doing cardio and then lifting weights after that and was fine. Then I started having muscle spasms and it all went to hell. I never had these issues with being this hungry until the pain/not being able to sleep cycle started so I'm just getting extremely frustrated and upset. I've been logging on here for 3 years now.
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Can you get to a pool? Feeling weightless certainly helps and just treading water can burn a lot of calories.

    Getting your sleep sorted out and your calories on point are going to make the biggest difference.
  • dawnfoster50951
    dawnfoster50951 Posts: 5 Member
    I have crohns-Colits , degentive disc disease , and hemoplegic migraines . Topamax did nothing for my migraines not to loose weight (actually it made me gain weight and cause tingling in extremities ). I too have a lot of pain and talked to my doctors and was proscribed tramadol. At the time it was NOT a narcotic . I was on it for 4 years which helped SO much ! Only took 1 in morning and never upped my dosage. But after a year of it being a narcotic I decided to take myself off it . I hurt so bad again and it took all I did to get myself moving HOWEVER i found once I started i felt a little better . I found personally essential oils help me and excerise . Now to get this darn weight off . Your welcome to add me as a friend . (Sorry new to this and i have no idea how to ha)
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    They're building a new YMCA near my house so I'm hoping the fees will be reasonable and that I can use it for swimming. I work 7p-730a so if it opens early enough I can go after work for a half and on my off days for longer.

    I have Raynaud's and neuropathy so I already had the tingling in my fingers and heels of my feet. The Topamax definitely makes it worse though. It does help with my migraines. Amitryptiline and Depakote made them worse and made my anxiety/depression worse.

    Has anyone tried Gabapentin? I've heard that can help with pain and isn't a narcotic. Toradol helps me but you can only take it for 3 days at a time.