Sugar Addicts - Withdrawal Support (Language Warning - tis a side effect)



  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    mcuttinup wrote: »
    I'm back on mfp to feel better and be more active. I also have a sugar addiction and no idea how to start tackling it. Any ideas?

    Have you tried the KETO Diet?

    There's studies coming out now of the not so safe aspect of KETO.. but I have enough restrictions already with gluten allergies and being a vegetarian, add trying to avoid sugar and my choices are getting slim
  • felinasbeads
    felinasbeads Posts: 75 Member
    Hi. I'm Margaret. I'm a sugar addict. And yes, I used to eat plain sugar, but not by the bagful. Now I only eat candy by the bagful. I feel like I'm two people when it happens. And the weaker person wins every time. I can't stay strong. I've tried Vyvanse to help but all that does is make me not want to eat so it's a double edged sword. I know what I do. I know why I do it. But I don't know how to stop. And for me, it will have to be no sugar, not even honey, however managing without my sweet morning coffee will be something I'm not sure how I can get used to. :(
  • Domilg23
    Domilg23 Posts: 44 Member
    Im a huge sugar addict, I can't imagine my life without milk chocolate... like a drug to me seriously
  • ftwjessicat
    ftwjessicat Posts: 5 Member
    I love sweet things!!!!! The thing that has helped me the most has been substituting sugar for naturally sweet things like fruit, also truvia and honey in moderation. When I have a bad sugar craving I eat some super dark chocolate. I've even made chocolate chip cookies with truvia (the molasses I added had a tiny tiny bit of sugar) and baking chocolate and honestly they were amazing. I don't think quitting cold turkey is the best way to go. Find healthy substitutes for your sugar habit. They can still be sweet things! Just in moderation.

    Honestly I'm a sucker for brown rice syrup too. I don't know what it is about it.

    Okay, maybe I'm an awful person to have an opinion about quitting sugar
  • lazydaisy09
    lazydaisy09 Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2016
    Sugar addict here also. I find that if I have carbs or sugary food in the morning, it makes for a day of cravings that is hard to resist. I find that high carb food (like bread) gives me the same problems as something sweet. Moderation doesnt work for me as the cravings snowball throughout the day. Very hard addiction to break.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Protein is my friend. I have an egg or high protein cereal in the morning and basically protein at every meal/snack. I'm assuming this helps keep my blood sugar levels more stable, but whatever the reason, it works. I try to have small treats that aren't intensely sweet so I don't feel deprived: dark chocolate, a little sugar in my coffee or tea, Fibre One bars etc. There are still going to be times that I revert to my old bad habits but they are rare now. If I'm craving sugar intensely, something that has worked for me is to have a piece of meat. It stops the craving every time for me. Intense exercise works too but when I have that agitated craving feeling it's usually easier to eat something than get myself out for a run. @StrawbC, I saw another post of yours where you say you lost a significant amount of weight. How did you handle your sugar cravings then?