Dealing with Eating Out



  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    I just guesstimate as best I can, and try to make good decisions; if I'm eating at a burger place, i get it bunless and with veggies on the side if possible. Or I split the fries with someone else. Anything with sauce, I try to get the sauce on the side, etc.

    Personally, I eat out maybe once every two weeks, and generally it's either a place where I can guesstimate the calories fairly well (like a chipotle, where you can calculate on their website), or it's a place where I can eyeball the ingredients and guesstimate well from there (for example, a place by me does an awesome chopped salad, so I just eyeball the individual ingredients and do my best to measure/limit the dressing).
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    depending on what i order i either divide by components and add each item (like for an omelette) and then add extra oil, or i choose from the database - if i've had something similar at a chain restaurant and i feel it's comparable i add that option. sometimes i add the chain option anyway and take a chance because usually if it's coming from chili's or similar i can assume the portion is huge and the calories match. that being said, if i'm over or if i'm wrong it's not the end of the world.

    also, i love brunch, like with all of the eggs and cheese and far too many mimosas. i try to run before i go and plan the rest of the day as super low cal and know that i'll still have a deficit for the week. if i don't want to log a million items at the table i'll take a picture of my plate and enter it in later.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Some good tips in this thread OP, and others, who have concerns about how to navigate dining out while losing weight...