Earning extra calories from exercise



  • FitnessBeverlyHills
    Highly suggest using a Heart Rate Monitor with a chest strap for the most accurate information on your calories burned.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Highly suggest using a Heart Rate Monitor with a chest strap for the most accurate information on your calories burned.


    They're not perfect, but they're better than the site or the little hand grips on machines. Most people I've seen with HRM's use either the Polar FT4, FT7 or an Garmin. FT4 is the cheapest and most simple if you just want to get your workout on. THe FT7 is more complex but gives you a bunch of bells and whistles. The Garmin is probably the most expensive, but it will also give you GPS coordinates if you're a runner or cyclist.

    There are plenty of other brands out there to try as well. Check it out and figure out what you'd use.
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    You don`t earn calories. You ingest them, silly. What you did was burn calories. Eat if you`re hungry that`s all.

    Why post just to be a SMART***?? The OP is new (as she stated) and this was her 1st post. She didnt ask you to school her about earning calories vs ingesting them! Your last sentence would have sufficed for the question asked!
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    If sticking with MFP method I recommend eating back exercise calories.

    I have been at maintenance since April when I cut following a fall/winter bulk. Using various TDEE calculators I determined that I needed to net approximately 2010 daily to hold at 155.

    My average daily intake since reaching maintenance goal weight has been 2520 - with an average daily exercise expenditure of 600. That is lower than my target of 2010 and likely why I'm weighing 153.5 right now. Still, if I did not eat back my exercise calories I would be much less (i.e. too low).

    My calorie expeditures are based on MFP and Runkeeper estimated calorie burns. They have worked well for me.

    Best of luck.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    You don`t earn calories. You ingest them, silly. What you did was burn calories. Eat if you`re hungry that`s all.

    Why post just to be a SMART***?? The OP is new (as she stated) and this was her 1st post. She didnt ask you to school her about earning calories vs ingesting them! Your last sentence would have sufficed for the question asked!

    There's also no reason to scold someone for making a remark like that. Is there a rule about having fun on a forum that I wasn't informed of? There is a decided lack of flippancy in the comment. Maybe let it slide a little?
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Don't do it. The cake is a lie. I'm 40+ pounds down from not eating back my exercise calories....and busting my butt while exercising. You'll have to hit an extended caloric deficit for your metabolism to slow down. You'll also have to drop well below the 1200 calorie range. While it's not impossible to go into what people call "starvation mode" it's not a switch that happens overnight. it takes weeks to months of consistently going waaaaay under your calories and exercise for it to have much of an impact. Even if you did manage to go into a slight metabolism slow down it would be counteracted if you built a little muscle. If you'd like source documentation just ask and I'll hunt some down for you, but this really shouldn't be an argument or debated.