
Hey guys, my name is Jess and I'm really trying my best to lose weight.. I've been unhappy ever since I can remember due to me always being a bigger girl... Hope I can make some new friends on here


  • Determined1287
    Determined1287 Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello my name is Jess
    I've been over weight for the last 6 or so years and I'm looking to shed lbs with a few new found friends as well!
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    @Determined1287 hi Jess! Nice to meet u! I myself am ready to get slimmer... Let's be friends
  • Determined1287
    Determined1287 Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do it!
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    So where u from ?
  • perfectlyflawed0401
    perfectlyflawed0401 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Jess ! I'm Erika .. You got this ! We got this ! I just started two weeks ago and lost 20lbs already .. But it gets a bit lonely when I can't share this journey with someone all my friends are thin so they have no clue
  • bvttercvp
    bvttercvp Posts: 18 Member
    Hey girl, welcome! <3
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    @perfectlyflawed0401 hi thanks!! We can def be friends and 20 lbs!!!!
  • crystalmurphy89
    crystalmurphy89 Posts: 2 Member
    I sent you a friend request
  • 285to170
    285to170 Posts: 330 Member
    Hey love! Welcome to mfp! <3 Through your journey I hope you find some genuine self love and learn to accept yourself for the beautiful fly girl that you are!

    Sent you a request. Feel free send me a message if you ever need a chat or some motivation! You've got this!
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you for the amazing welcome!
  • thebigmanau
    thebigmanau Posts: 5 Member
    Yo can totally understand the feeling unhappy thing. Hope you find the good feelings you are after weightloss success or not. Never give up!
  • Determined1287
    Determined1287 Posts: 5 Member
    @themakeupbelle I'm from South Florida and you?
  • danhib
    danhib Posts: 290 Member
    Add me if you like I'm on here quite a lot
  • katie22mfp
    katie22mfp Posts: 386 Member
    Join my weekly weigh in group! Would love to support you.
  • frootloop2012
    frootloop2012 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey lets motivate each other we can do it lets stay focused
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    @Determined1287 il
    From Trinidad... @danhib i dont Know how to... @katie22mfp i dont Know how to @frootloop2012 YAY thank a for thé request
  • nintendo_98
    nintendo_98 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys, my name is Jess and I'm really trying my best to lose weight.. I've been unhappy ever since I can remember due to me always being a bigger girl... Hope I can make some new friends on here

    Just keep up the good work
  • simplyluvNY
    simplyluvNY Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Jess I'm Sandy. Looks like we're starting off together. Maybe we could be friends.
  • themakeupbelle
    themakeupbelle Posts: 26 Member
    @simplyluvNY yessss I would love that!!!