Help me find a suitable goal weight please.



  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    There is no rule that says you have to set a specific number on the scales as a goal.
    Particularly if you are going to feel disappointed and give up if you are "only" 115 or 121 or 129. That might well be a perfectly healthy number for you.
    You might prefer to have a goal related to your health or your activity or your ability to do the things you want with your kids.
    Don't get hung up on this, just make good choices to get you healthier and re-evaluate when you are further down the track.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    GaoleeYaj wrote: »
    I am 5 feet, started almost 7 weeks ago at 172 and size 14-16. Today I am 150 and in size 10-12. I am still considered obese on the chart.

    I want to set my goal at 110 but that's almost to unrealistic. What weight will be more realistic?

    128 would be the top of your healthy weight range and 111 is about the middle. Why not aim for 128 and evaluate how you feel as you get there?
  • Jeebles604
    Jeebles604 Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm 5'0, asian with a muscular/boxy build. Currently approx 119 pounds. I look leaner based on my build (wide shoulders, narrow waist). My ultimate goal is 110 pounds, but I would be pretty damn happy at 115. I think when you hit a weight you are happy with, you'll just know. So no harm in making a goal, just don't be surprised if you are satisfied at a different one. Good luck!
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,224 Member
    fittestpal wrote: »
    Do you feel obese? Don't let other standards define who you are.

    No. These charts are not fashion charts. They are health charts. You can't advise someone who is obese to stay like that if they feel good because it is dangerous in so many ways and can cause a lot of health issues.

    OP, congrats on the weight loss so far! Like several people suggested aim for 128 which is the top end of the healthy weight range and then re-evaluate :)