Please help.. Where to go next? When to switch to maintenance

mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
edited June 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Really hoping someone can help me. I'll try to make this as short and sweet as possible.

Started eating at calorie deficit about 2.5 months ago (1200 per day). It has been enough for me, I didn't feel hungry or anything at the end of the day. Just ate lots of clean foods and doing 30-40 min workouts 5-6 x per week. Lost 20 lbs since March and 43 total since last year. I'm 5'5, 139 lbs. My primary goal is still fat loss. I've definitely leaned out and starting to become more toned. But still have fat on me that I am uncomfortable with. not sure if /how much longer I should be eating at my calorie deficit. Should I go into maintenance mode now and focus on muscle gain? Eating more seems counteractive because I do still have fat to lose, Mainly in my stomach but I'm very close to my initial goal of pre baby weight at 130.

Thoughts and advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Sounds like me. I'm at 147 right now and my goal is 135 (also 5'5"). My plan is to work toward recomposition once I hit my goal weight. Eating at/close to maintenance while doing heavy lifting (strength program). The point is to build muscle and lean out at the same time.
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    capaul42 wrote: »
    Sounds like me. I'm at 147 right now and my goal is 135 (also 5'5"). My plan is to work toward recomposition once I hit my goal weight. Eating at/close to maintenance while doing heavy lifting (strength program). The point is to build muscle and lean out at the same time.

    See this is the things I need to educate myself on i guess. I've never ever in my life reached the point where I can say im at maintenance. It's exciting but seems too good to be true if i still have work to do on my body lol
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    There's a great blog post on MFP (2 of them) that explain how to set it up. And there's a few forum posts in the Maintenance forum.