5'1'', 40-50lbs to lose/lost. Looking for people with similar stats.



  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 39 years old. Most of my life I've been around 110lbs. Four years ago I gained massive weight because I was drinking too much alcohol. I decided that I needed to improve my lifestyle in several areas so I stopped drinking and started counting calories.

    CW: 115lbs
    GW: 105lbs - 110lbs
    HW/SW: 115lbs

    I found that tying to lose 2lbs a week was impossible because I would have to eat less than 1000 calories and cannot do that and get my required nutrition. I also found that 1.5lbs was to aggressive as well, and aimed for a weekly goal of 1lbs for the first 20lbs. After that I had to aim for a .5lbs loss a week until I got around 120lbs - 125lbs, and had to further reduce my deficit to 250 calories a week. I also had to exercise which I did by walking at least an hour a night. I've been maintaining for a little while now and generally eat between 1400 calories to 2000 calories. I'll probably start back up in the next month or so to get to goal. I plan on keeping a 250 cal deficit and increase my exercise. When I get to my goal I want to start working on increasing muscle and will start eating over maintenance and doing heavy lifting. When everything is said and done I am hoping to weigh around 120lbs, if I can gain that much muscle.

    Good luck OP!

    Thank you! I have a similar plan as you with the weight training, however I have long ways to go. Hopefully in less than 6 months I can achieve it.
  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    Alarae21 wrote: »
    Jpat0 wrote: »
    Alarae21 wrote: »
    I am 5'3. My initial goal was 147 ( the weight I first met my fiancé) but that's still not a healthy BMI so I'm aiming for an initial goal of 135. I'll evaluate from there :)

    SW: 178
    CW: 146
    GW: 135 (the evaluate from there)

    Ive never been a healthy weight, so I'm looking forward to it!

    I used to be a healthy weight when I was in middle school but I was never the ideal weight for my height. Lowest I've ever been as an adult was 145lbs. I'm also looking forward to how I'll look at 115lbs! I'm very excited :)

    The last time I was a healthy weight was probably when I was 9 and going to dance classes :(

    Two years later my parents divorced and I spent weekends with my dad. We used to have 'sneaky McDonalds' in the car park. Started off with a cheeseburger, then a double until it became a full meal! Just got fatter and fatter and never been healthy. I've never been grossly overweight looking as I can just about pull it off with my larger frame, although my highest weight of 178 was pushing it.

    I'm five pounds away from a healthy BMI and I know it isn't the most reliable thing, but to be 'healthy' for once by some standard will be amazing.

    I've actually bought a bikini today to wear on my honeymoon in August and I don't look half bad! My thighs are still wibbly but the fact I even bought it was amazing!

    I wish I started this journey so long ago. I've been ashamed of my body for far too long.

    BMI is actually a pretty good indicator. It's not reliable when you're a body builder but for obesity and overweight cases, it's spot on. However, the BMI standards in the west are a bit higher than India, Korea, Japan, etc. For them anything above 25 is obese, in the west it's 30. Overweight is 23-25.

    I'm really happy that you're only 5 pounds away! You can do it! You're going to look awesome in your bikini. I feel the same way, I wish I started when I was a teenager when I didn't have much to lose. The good thing is that we started it now and will succeed in a few months time :)
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm 5', and looking to lose around the same

    SW 170
    CW 161
    GW 120
  • grenachegirl
    grenachegirl Posts: 19 Member
    Hey, I was 5'5 but due to back/spinal issues I've 'lost' 3 inches in height in the past 10 years making me 5'2 now. I started April 3rd at 212lb + hit 181lb today, not sure what my goal weight is, just trying to keep the momentum going but getting smarter on what I can eat sticking to 1200 calls a day. Loving the support on MFP, good luck everyone x
  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 5'1" and 36 years old.

    SW 195
    CW 179
    GW 160 ... then re-evaluate my goal

    My weight loss has been sloooow but I feel like I'm making lifestyle changes that I can stick to, so I will eventually get to where I want to be. :) Feel free to add me!
  • ksutherland677
    ksutherland677 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm similar! I'm 5'3''
    SW 168
    CW 148
    GW 125

    I started in February and have been losing about one pound a week even though it's more like nothing one week, .5lb another, 3.5 the next. Lol. It's not consistent but it evens out for me to stay on track to get to my goal weight this year.