New to Site...Looking for MFP Friends/Support

Hello everyone,

I posted something a few days ago but got no responses so I'm trying again. I have always attempted to lose weight in isolation (perhaps too embarrassed to admit the problem was real). I am making a concerted effort to reach out and seek support, and also give support. I am in Week 2, and maintaining around 1200 calories a day and exercising about 4 times a week, but my problem has always been maintaining this. I'm typically good for about 3 months then get frustrated when I feel as though my progress is too slow....then I slip back into unconscious eating and not making time for exercise (apparently my default). I also think I have struggled with not being honest with myself about just how long I've had a weight problem, how much I weigh, etc. I have kept myself in denial, which then makes it easier to slip back into old habits. Has anyone else experience a similar dynamic that has ultimately blocked their success? I feel like maybe it is an identity thing....tying furiously not to have this be my identity, which then allows me to stay in denial. I don't want to do that any longer, but don't have a lot of confidence in myself since I've been on this path so, so, so many times. Hoping some people respond so that the community-building can begin! Thanks...Michelle


  • 43932452
    43932452 Posts: 7,246 Member
    Hi Michelle .. welcome!!
    You have to remove the invisible brick that
    is with you .. once you're free of all mental
    blocks, fight frustration ..
    you'll have success .. you're in great
    company here on MFP .. if you want to you
    can add me. I'm on everyday. :)