How often should I weigh myself????



  • RanaSimon
    RanaSimon Posts: 73 Member
    I JUST asked this exact question in a different discussion board. With the Biggest Loser competition my employer is holding, we weigh in once a week, and I find that to be fair. I've always been told weigh in the morning after you've used the restroom but before you eat. That is likely going to be your lightest weight of the day. Make sure you weigh in the same time every day under as similar conditions as possible. Meaning if you're weighing in the nude, always weigh in the nude. If you weigh with clothes, try to make sure they're always a similar weight. Things like that. And take measurements, too. It's always good to focus on something more visibly noticeable, especially if you're strength training, since muscle is heavier than fat. Good luck!
  • Notaphase
    Notaphase Posts: 81 Member
    I always heard the advice to weigh myself once a week but I never understood why. Now I realize that it supports a long term outlook toward weight loss. I was in the habitat of weighing myself every day when I was being "good" and then not weighing myself when I was eating a lot. Eventually I'd stop weighing myself entirely because I had too many bad days in a row. Now I recognize it's a lifetime commitment so it doesn't matter how fast I lose, it just matters that I'm sticking with it.
  • ManateToMermaid
    ManateToMermaid Posts: 27 Member
    I too like to weigh every day, I don't use an app to workout averages but I don't take notice to fluctuations it's just interesting to me how it all works and I'm curious. Sometimes I even weigh myself at night too
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I have just started on my fitness journey for the 100th billion time haha. But this time it's different for me. I am excited for it. BUT, I tend to weigh myself a lot, like every two days when I start working out and get super discouraged. SO, how often should I weigh myself?

    It is different for everyone. Some people weigh once per week on the same day each week, once per month or daily. I weigh daily usually. I like to keep track of the ups and downs and highs and lows. I use an app called happy scale where I track my daily weight.