How do I correctly calculate my macros?

I'm new to calorie counting in general but it seems from what I have read that I should really pay attention to my macros to get the body I would like. Is the MFP general amount accurate or should I customize it somehow? I am breastfeeding so that also adds a challenge(on average I have read that I need at least 1500 calories per day since breastfeeding burns 200-600 calories per day although I have never lost weight while breastfeeding my kids). I'm in a plateau and wonder if my TDEE (I think that's what it's called) is off so I'm eating the wrong amount of calories, even though I am measuring and tracking everything I put in my mouth. I am pretty sedentary right now, I have a 6 week old baby so I spend most of my time on the couch or in bed feeding him. I dedicate 30 minutes to an hour on the elliptical to burn calories and then I do some sort of strength training routine each day that I find on Pinterest/YouTube. But maybe I'm not creating a deficit even though I think that I am... Overall I am worried that I need help figuring out the amount of calories that I need daily and the macros I should stick too. I tend to crave sugar while breastfeeding so I find that fat helps me stay satisfied.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2016
    Take care of your baby and yourself, you've just given birth!

    Make sure you are logging accurately before you try to change things. Weigh everything and check that the database entry has the same information as the food you are logging.

    Give it time. If you aren't losing weight after a month of logging consistently, you need to lower your calorie intake.

    If you are sure you are eating the right amount of calories, but feel hungry and/or lethargic, it's time to look at macro splits. Getting enough fat and protein is important. How much enough is, is a hot topic, but around one gram per kilo of body weight at goal weight, is reasonably moderate. You need to be able to stick to your diet, so don't aim for any extreme splits.