
arose542 Posts: 13 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, ive been using this app now and again but now I'm ready to be serious on losing the weight. Just started the last couple days ago and doing pretty good at writing thing down that go into my mouth. Looking for friends/diet partners to help me keep on track


  • danhib
    danhib Posts: 290 Member
    Add me if you want, I'm on here a lot.
  • rhiannonrees134
    rhiannonrees134 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm ten days in and had good results so far and enjoying logging, the novelty hasn't worn off yet but I know from experience that it is still the honeymoon period. I think I need some friends on here to keep me engaged with the process.
  • arose542
    arose542 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you but I'm not sure how todo that yet, I'm new at this community thing.
  • arose542
    arose542 Posts: 13 Member
    Can someone tell me how to add friends plz
  • tboz08202016
    tboz08202016 Posts: 134 Member
    Click on their name then in the next screen click it again. You'll see the little "person". Click the littler person to add a friend. Does that help?
  • arose542
    arose542 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you that was pretty easy to do