Going gluten free, and liking it!

Hi, my name is Tiffanie, and I've been gluten free for 12 days, by choice. I use many of the Bob's Red Mill gluten free products, and find they are pretty darn good! I thought this was really going to suck, but it's not that bad. I feel so-so much better, and am sort of amazed that getting rid of gluten could do so much.
This started out as an experiment, and after 10 days gluten free, I eat a small cinnamon bun. Oh man, my tummy did not like that. I had the worst constipation, and I have IBS w/constipation so I was always constipated. It all started with a book called Grain Brain, and I figured at this point in my life, it couldn't hurt. I'm 50, and have painful joints, and degenerating disc's, so I also have constant lower back pain. I'm also considered a borderline diabetic, as all the females in my family has been diagnosed with diabetes by the time they hit 50. Not me! Nope, it's feeling like its all gone! I have no pain at all. My back feels pretty good, my knees don't hurt all day, even my adult acne is gone. One odd thing tho, my feet used to burn so bad, it felt like they were stuck in a oven, they don't now that I'm gluten free, weird !
If anyone wants to add me, please feel free. I have found 2 great books with some amazing gluten free recipes, they are called the gluten free gourmet, and I found them at my library. I also looked on Pinterest, and there are a ton of recipes on there also. One of my favorite is gluten free pancakes, it just two eggs, and two ripe bananas mashed up, then mixed with the eggs, you can add blueberries, and/or strawberries. They are awesome!
My big thing now is breakfast. I like it to be high in fiber, and filling, because sometimes I get so busy I forget to eat lunch. I usually have Bob's Red Mill high fiber oat bran, its like oatmeal, but it's pretty plain without adding a sweetener to it. Im finding I really enjoy many fruits & veggies that I usually don't eat, like asparagus, and brussel sprouts, to pears, plums, and Peaches! I've been on & off MFP for a few years now, but this is the longest that I've stuck with any diet since 2008-9! I thinking it's because I'm so happy with how I feel, and even loosing a pound a week is a bonus!