Clothes don't fit! Need to lose 10-15 lbs.

kblkmw Posts: 9 Member
Hi, I'm 46 years old and lost 42 pounds on Weight Watchers seven years ago. Kept it off but gained 10 pounds back this year that I want to lose. My clothes no longer fit and I refuse to buy anything new until I lose.

Need accountability and support and am willing to cheer on others in their weight loss journey.

I'm new to this app and would love to find a few friends to share this ride.


  • BaylorC
    BaylorC Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm kind of in the same boat: nothing in my closet fits! I want to lose 20 lbs. Friend me. :)
  • kblkmw
    kblkmw Posts: 9 Member
    Hi BaylorC! I just sent you a friend request (I think!). We can do this!! :)