Has anyone tried the Marisa Peer "Perfect Weight Forever" hypnosis programme?

Just wondering if it works :)


  • SassyMommasaurus
    SassyMommasaurus Posts: 380 Member
    Hypnosis...to lose weight?
  • overjoy
    overjoy Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2016
    I've never heard of that, but last week, I saw an ad in a magazine at the doctors office for hypnosis weight loss, I took a pic of it with my phone. I came home and googled it, found all sort of videos on youtube. So I thought what the heck, I'll try it. I listened to a couple of them, then picked one to listen too. I've been doing it each night now for 5 days. I did not weigh on Monday when I started and they took weight at doctor but not sure what it was. So I just used my last weigh in on 6/30 which I take pictures of the scale. I can at least say I'm about 12 lbs lighter since then. So I'm going to keep listening to the hypnosis and weigh in again next Thursday, we will see. It basically makes you conscious of what you are eating and how much. He tells you do not eat unless hungry and if you sit to eat and after 2 or 3 bites you feel full, stop eating. I've fallen asleep during the almost one hour session and he says that is ok, it will still stay in your subconscious and it has. Normally on Saturday or weekends, I'm trying to think of a great restaurant to go sit and eat....instead I'm drinking my protein shake. Food isn't really a big priority for me today!! Except to go get more protein shakes and salad fixins.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,715 Member
    I've had in-person hypnotherapy from a real-life psychotherapist for sleep-interruption insomnia, and found it very helpful but not fully curative, after drugs and sleep apnea treatment were pretty much ineffective. I'm also a skeptic when it comes to "alternative treatments", but I was at wits' end.

    I've not tried the Marisa Peer program, but would suggest that if one is going to use a pre-canned downloadable "weight loss hypnosis" program, it might make sense to try one first that's a lot less expensive than $49. You can get them lots of places, but a quick search on Amazon reveals many, many choices for under $10, some as low as 99 cents. I strongly suspect that there isn't a huge quality difference based on price, but I have zero proof of that.
  • Vegplotter
    Vegplotter Posts: 265 Member
    You lose weight by eating less. Hypnosis can help your self control and self belief, but so can the support of friends, a councillor, or a dietician.
    In the end there is no miracle cure for over eating - except under eating.
    Hypnosis can't hurt you, but if it were a miracle cure we wouldn't all be here would we? It's hardly a new invention.
  • overjoy
    overjoy Posts: 7 Member
    Vegplotter wrote: »
    You lose weight by eating less. Hypnosis can help your self control and self belief, but so can the support of friends, a councillor, or a dietician.
    In the end there is no miracle cure for over eating - except under eating.
    Hypnosis can't hurt you, but if it were a miracle cure we wouldn't all be here would we? It's hardly a new invention.

    I prefer the hypnosis over the friends, especially those who don't have weight problems and then the ones who do that are not interested in losing any weight. I'm going to stick with it because overall I feel so much better, but it's only been 6 days, so we will see. Since yesterday I walked to the store with a co-worker and it had a little food stand in, the fried catfish, chicken, potato logs and all the other goodies looked so good. I almost gave in, but didn't, instead I walked back to the office and got a side salad from Wendy's. Any other time I would not hesitated putting that in my mouth.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You prefer an audio recording over real life human contact? I would re-evaluate things drastically!

    Also weight loss comes from a caloric deficit, not from anything else.
  • Mentali
    Mentali Posts: 352 Member
    You prefer an audio recording over real life human contact? I would re-evaluate things drastically!

    Also weight loss comes from a caloric deficit, not from anything else.

    I'm no hypnosis fanatic but I'm totally the person picking recordings over human contact because people suck! :D

    It's probably more the placebo effect than anything else but getting into that mindset is the difficult part of trying to lose weight so kudos to you for finding a way make it work.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Sounds more like a "Getting rid of excess money" programme to me.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    Years ago I did hypnosis for weight loss with Positive Changes. I got 3 personal sessions where I got to bring the audio tapes home with me (it was that long ago) & then unlimited group sessions. I did find it to be very helpful. At the time I was working in an office where my boss kept a huge jar of candy on the divider between her cubicle & mine. I was literally staring at candy all day & I was eating a ton of it. The hypnosis helped me completely resist that temptation. It was so long ago, I can't remember how much weight I lost, but I did lose weight. I got pregnant again, the Positive Changes store went out of business, & I stopped listening to my tapes & regained. I do remember that it was very relaxing in general & I always felt less stressed & just better afterwards. I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it. There are a lot of inexpensive options these days--I spent a fortune at Positive Changes. I think it can be a helpful tool.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Also there are heaps of free ones on Spotify. I love them!! If nothing else they relax me and give me a great nights sleep.
  • overjoy
    overjoy Posts: 7 Member
    You prefer an audio recording over real life human contact? I would re-evaluate things drastically!

    Also weight loss comes from a caloric deficit, not from anything else.

    I'm speaking as it relates to a support system. And I'm specifically speaking of my friends who don't need to lose weight or do and it's not a priority for them right now. Truth of the matter is not everyone wants to see you succeed. Sure there are probably local groups and even online groups you can get the support you need.