Ladies: PMS and Cravings? How do you deal?

Hi! So, I am curious to know how other ladies deal with PMS and Cravings around that "time of the month".
Personally, I really struggle with this issue, and I am so afraid that I will just end up binging on the crap I crave and gain back any of the weight I have lost.

Normally if I crave something I can take my mind off of it by drinking more water and keeping busy but it seems impossible to curb the cravings while I have PMS. So, how do you deal with this issue? Any tips or tricks would be great!! :smiley:


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    The best I do to deal is create a food environment that doesn't get me into too much trouble. No big bags of chips, cookies, etc in the house. If I need cookies, I get a 6 pack of oreos and enjoy. If I want chocolate, I get a chocolate bar and eat it before I workout. I have lower calorie high volume options that keep me satisfied. This is me trying. I usually end up doing a little damage but I'm only human.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    well 1 lbs = 3500 cal. How much can you binge to gain the lost weight in one day?
    I personally always eat as much as I want. (I could kill for food on these days...)
  • kissedbythesunshine
    kissedbythesunshine Posts: 416 Member
    I eat what I want during the first two days of my period. I don't stuff myself to capacity but I don't count calories either. I'm not going to deny myself an extra scoop of ice cream for example.
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    I thought I'd add: I always log all my food including on these days where I eat a lot. I try to stay within TDEE but if not I eat usually 300-400 over (which is 0.1 lbs gain by the way so why not? )
  • wtliftchick
    wtliftchick Posts: 84 Member
    I don't keep junk food in the house so that helps. Although I'm not going to lie. I have driven to Walgreens or Wendy's on more than one occasion to satisfy a craving! I tend to crave sweets when I'm getting my period. I try to up my fruit intake if I'm craving sweets and that helps. On the rare occasion I crave chocolate, yes I'm a weirdo, I buy the super dark variety from Walgreens. It's like 90% cocoa or something and kinda bitter but a little bit really satisfies my craving. If you just binge on anything, try upping the exercise for a few days.
    Guys have it so easy!
  • wtliftchick
    wtliftchick Posts: 84 Member
    Oh and log it before you eat whatever you're craving. Sometimes seeing the number of calories helps motivate me to maybe only eat half as much as I intended. Sometimes.
  • CCFfitnessjourney
    CCFfitnessjourney Posts: 7 Member
    If you have sugar cravings, look up Clear American drinks and Ice drinks. They have no added sugar, no calories, sodium, etc... but they taste wonderful! They always kill my sugar cravings, and they come in a huge variety of flavors.

    As for salt cravings, buy some Mrs. Dash spices and Flavor God spices. They taste great but have none-low sodium in them. It totally tricks your taste buds, and it keeps you from ruining your diet!

    I would also find someone to hold you accountable on those PMS days, to make sure you don't go binge on whatever you want. 1 day of bad eating can totally ruin and entire week of work.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Read this:

    Consider increasing your calories for those few days (better than a binge).

    If I need chocolate, I reach for Lindt 90% dark. No way to binge on that, for me at least. And no soy, relatively low carb, so it fits my allergies and diet.
  • Jeebles604
    Jeebles604 Posts: 16 Member
    I honestly have no clue. I am so regimented 99% of the time, and rarely if ever cave into cravings. But when my time of the month comes near, it's like...a monster inside of me. I strictly limit what's in the house so I just end up eating bigger portions or stuff I have on hand. I've made some pretty weird combinations of food to satisfy a craving...

    Some days are better, and I buy some chocolate snack packs and eat a few of those. Some days are bad, and I ate a quarter of a jar of Nutella that was in the house from leftover baking.. I don't know why I'm so surprised every month, the cravings always happen, lol.

    Once my period starts, I get back into control. And usually the week after, I've leaned out nicely.

    Good luck to you, and you are not alone. I wish I had some answers for you! :)