Slim Fast



  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    ugh.... not slim fast. artificial JUNK. Look for an actual healthy meal replacement shake with minimal chemicals. I drink shakeology.

  • jaznon
    jaznon Posts: 68 Member
    I make smoothies and have them for breakfast. I do all my shopping for the week on Sunday. Make 4-5 (depending on how many mornings I have to work) smoothies that day and put them in the freezer. The night before I am going to have it for breakfast I set it down in the fridge so it will thaw. Normally it is thawed by the morning and I take it with me to work. If it needs a little assistance in the morning, I set it in a measuring cup of water to help it thaw. I normally get to eat mine with a spoon thought, still yummy :) I use fresh or frozen fruit and yogurt to make them.
  • BeckyK1976
    BeckyK1976 Posts: 10 Member
    TMI - be careful, I was doing them for a meal and they made me extremely constipated. Everyone is different though...good luck :-)

    I was opposite :tongue: lol
    See, we humans are the same as much as we are different! Ha!