Accountability ???s

Can someone explain what is an accountability buddy? I'm new to the world of weight loss and exercise


  • heathershaw4785
    heathershaw4785 Posts: 30 Member
    For me an accountability buddy is someone who can help hold me accountable and who also has the same goals as me. An ideal person for me would be someone how uses MFP and is trying to lose weight. We could check in with each other and see whether or not we are tracking everything we eat and making good choices.
  • an0nemus
    an0nemus Posts: 149 Member
    Can someone explain what is an accountability buddy? I'm new to the world of weight loss and exercise

    I agree with heather, but I'll add rather than 'accoutability' I would use "support partner".
    Celebrate our highs (lows?)
    Commiserate with us during our lows (highs?)

    And take a quiet satisfaction when we lose more than they do (hey, I'm competitive...)
  • heathershaw4785
    heathershaw4785 Posts: 30 Member
    @an0nemus would you message a friend on here if you noticed they hadn't tracked their food for today? I get sort of touchy when people try to hold me accountable because I am overly sensitive so I am not sure I would like that. Then again I might appreciate someone checking in on me. I think there is a fine line and I don't want to cross it.