To eat or not to eat? I am just not sure what to do.



  • hmmm... look at it another way, people who get gastric bypass eat next to nothing and lose weight, so keep doing what you are doing, why eat more if you're not hungry? Starvation mode is a myth for overweight people. Get that body you deserve!!!

    People eat less when they have Gastric Bypass Surgery because their stomach is smaller, so it takes less food for them to feel full. It doesn't however teach eating a healthy well balanced diet or teach living a healthy lifestyle through exercise. The majority of people who get Gastric Bypass Surgery gain much of the weight back once their stomach increases in size which it will eventually do. If you just learn to become more active, choose the right foods, and eat other foods in moderation you wont have to diet, or count calories. But starvation or never eating is not the best solution.

    Since it is the case that you just dont often feel hungry or remember to eat, it might be a good idea to pre-make a few meals and snacks so you remember to eat them. I think you would see great results and not gain any body fat by simply adding in some extra protein and vegetables. Maybe even a smoothie with fruit and spinach. If you have difficulty eating you might also consider juicing to make sure your body is getting all the vitamins it needs.