Boyfriend doesn't like vegetables.

shybelle Posts: 254 Member
My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight together. He doesn't like any vegetables though besides potatoes and green beans. He will not eat them! I have tried...he will not. So, I guess I am looking for suggestion on how to cook and lose weight for someone who doesn't like vegetables....thanks!!!


  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I would make some others for myself. You can sneak vegetables in some things like meatloaf, smoothies and things that are very well chopped up. make a gravy for instance out of blended vegtables. Cook the with the meat and then blend the veggies and juices with spices into a gravy. You can also drop some into sweet and savory breads. Hopefully when he sees your wonderful veggies and how much more he can eat he will start trying some. But since he is a man, you may want to buy 101 ways to cook green beans.
  • tarynchatfield
    tarynchatfield Posts: 43 Member
    Both of my exes were the same way, no fruits OR vegetables. Maybe try baby food if the texture is the problem? It sounds disgusting (and ugh, it is) but that's what one of them did. Otherwise I would recommend supplements like Vega One shakes that are two servings of vegetables but taste like chocolate/vanilla/etc.
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    im not a huge vegetable fan either. i will eat my veggies is in soups, stews or roasted/grilled ( and marinated). on the rare occasion i will have sauteed or steamed veggies but i cant stand raw vegetables.

    i need my veggies need to cook down til theyre soft. soups and stews mask the earthy veggie flavor for me and marinated roast/grilled veggies just have a totally different taste to them that i actually like. play around with it and if all else fails theres a cookbook called the sneaky chef that shows you how to slip in veggies into your meals.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think if I was in this situation, I would just cook for the two of you as normal, but cook just enough vegetables for yourself, unless they're green beans and potatoes, in which case cook enough for him.

    People say they "don't like vegetables" but there are so many different vegetables, and so many ways to prepare them. Perhaps he has a fixed idea in his mind of what they will be like. Why don't you experiment with different vegetables and cooking methods (eg. roasting is wonderful for things like carrots or squash, asparagus can be grilled on a griddle, kale can be baked so that it's crispy ...) and hope that he begins to take an interest. What about soups? Or smoothies? Or salads? Fruit salads? If not, so be it. He'll be missing out on various health benefits, but it's his choice.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    I hate vegetables and make most of my own meals (if you'd even call them meals) to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit, eating veggies has nothing to do with it. If you want to eat vegetables cook a smaller amount for yourself and he can eat whatever else you are cooking!
  • durshley
    durshley Posts: 73 Member
    My bf doesn't like peppers, onions or carrots. I tend to just cook onions as usual and if he doesn't like it he can pick the damn things out himself.
    You could try sweet potatoes instead of regular ones, what about other beans - mange tout? But there's soooo many veggies, he can't have tried them all.
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    Well honestly he can cook for himself. It's not your job to be his mommy. If he won't eat what you eat, then he's on his own. Also, there's ways to spice up veggies with vinaigrette, so he should try alternative ways to include more veggies. I think he probably hates the idea of veggies more than he actually hates them. Has he tried red bell pepper raw? It's full of flavor. He just isn't trying.
    There are tons of ways to prepare veggies. and if he tries everything and he still doesn't then it isn't your problem, it's his. Make what you like and just make stuff he will eat and don't worry about what he won't eat.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    My husband was that way...I realized that my own health had to be a priority and I needed a variety of nutritionally dense veggies in my diet. So I would cook/prepare what i wanted and if he didn't like it and wanted something else, well, he's a grown man and knows where the fridge, stove and microwave are. He finally tried some caesar salad and discovered he liked one of his favourite foods is a spinach salad with strawberries, almonds and goat cheese. I started this journey when I realized that he only weighed one or two pounds more than I did. I'm down 34.5 pounds...he's not. He is eating better and he is moving more, but has not had the same success. I love him and our 20th wedding anniversary will be celebrated this August, but I am not going to cater to his lack of volition or poor dietary decisions. He will have to come to the realization himself and do what he needs to do. In the meantime, I keep a variety of fresh foods and veggies in the house and hope my example is good for him as well as our two teen daughters.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Well honestly he can cook for himself. It's not your job to be his mommy. If he won't eat what you eat, then he's on his own.


    I do clever things with veggies when my kid won't eat them. A grown man can figure it out for himself.
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    I hate vegetables myself, and I choke them down anyway. He's an adult - he should eat what you prepare. Sounds like he is being stubborn!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    If he's an adult, who wants to get healthier, then he needs to suck it up. Vegetables are full of wonderful vitamins and fiber, and it's much easier to fill up within a calorie goal if they are part of the plan. Just keep eating them yourself and if he refuses, that's on him.
  • rachseby
    rachseby Posts: 285 Member
    What about salad?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I don't like many veggies either so I pretty much eat the same ones repeatedly: green beans, carrots, onions, garlic, and peppers. Veggies are essential to eating healthy, but not losing weight. :p

    Yes they not essential for weight loss

    I sprinkle my veggies with sugar and butter ... Changes the taste completely and only way I can stomach them . Aslong as u get in those micro nutrients ;)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    You can hide lots of vegs in pasta sauces/bakes, soups, stews etc. Try to find a cooker book aimed at fusst eaters children!) and adapt by upping the seasoning. Or chop finely for dips.
  • SCSURaynmann
    SCSURaynmann Posts: 21 Member
    I put 2 cups of spinach and roughly 3/4 cup carrots into my morning coffee smoothie. That is a great portion of veggies. With the exception of the color, it looks like an iced coffee and tastes like one also. I've gotten about 5 friends hooked on them, one of which doesn't eat her veggies according to her 8 yr old son.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Well, you don't have to make him eat them... My HB told me he didn't like a lot of veggies when we got married either. Mashed potatoes and green beans are his faves, too. I love veggies, and he know this, so he doesn't mind if I cook them to my heart's content. He will taste them, or take a miniscule serving. You would be surprised at how many veggies he will eat now, after 7 years. Even the off-limit veggies (tomatoes, onions, and squash)--he will take a small serving. I try preparing them in different ways. Indian curries was one he had never tried and now we tried squash cooked with leeks--he prefers this to onions. Also, pureed squash and cauliflower comes out similar to mashed potatoes, not bad. Just don't try to trick him and tell him its mashed potatoes, guys hate that.
  • kenolan01
    kenolan01 Posts: 3 Member
    It is nice of you to want to feed him, although at my age i would tend to agree with those who say he is big enough to cook for himself. He has to be invested in this just as you do. How about a make his potatoes and green beans if it is convenient, but also make yourself a great salad with grilled chicken, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers a sprinkle of seeds or nuts with a great balsamic vinaigrette...... he'll be soo jealous !!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just make one serving and eat it yourself. I do this for broccoli because my husband can't eat broccoli. While eating make yummy noises about how good the veggies taste just to annoy him. :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My bf doesn't like peppers, onions or carrots. I tend to just cook onions as usual and if he doesn't like it he can pick the damn things out himself.

    Ha! This too!