Day 1, Again, Friends, Christian Motivation Fellowship

Very overweight, but I know I can do this with the Lords help and some brothers and sisters in Christ. Looking for daily accountability partners! We can do all things thru Christ who strengthens us! 1heartlife


  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    Ok breakfast and lunch on track! How's your day going?" A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit driers the bones." Prov17:22
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Add you,
    I try to post a food challenge a couple days a week to shake things up
    Feel free to join the challenge !
  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    Ok sound good! Thanks!
  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    Ok dragging my butt to get on the treadmill! Isaiah1:19 "If he be willing and obedient, he shall eat the good of the land."
  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you Church! 30 min on the treadmill ! Amen!
  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    What a wonderful day! A special thank you to all my new fitness pals! Thank you for your inspiration and prayers! It was a victorious day! Thank you Jesus! Amen!
  • fredgonzini
    fredgonzini Posts: 77 Member
    You can add me. frgonzini@gmail
    Christ has been a BIG part of my weight loss
  • lzap27
    lzap27 Posts: 31 Member
    Add me too :) have been looking for some Christians on here too. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us - even this journey to better health
  • 1heartlife
    1heartlife Posts: 14 Member
    Ok friends, We are moving to Groups. My bad, I didn't understand the guidelines. Hope to see you there!
  • hypodonthaveme
    hypodonthaveme Posts: 215 Member
    When I started my journey, God gave me Philippians 4:13 as well. I quoted it several times a day for the first month and still quote it. I also quote Matt 19:26. The victory goes to God for my weight loss. I could not of done it without His encouragement, His strength.