Recording calorie burn

Apologies if this has already been asked but... I'm getting very confused on how best to measure my calorie burn, and how 'active' to say I am in setup.
I put myself down as 'moderately active' but also record all steps via the Apple Health app (which is synced to MFP), and all other exercise directly in MFP. I do a lot of exercise (around 11,000 steps per day, plus aerobic exercise 4 or 5 times a week). Does that mean that I should put myself down as 'inactive', to stop MFP 'double-counting' the exercise that I actually do?
Any advice gratefully received!


  • oneespanola
    oneespanola Posts: 14 Member
    choose according to the guidelines (about your job) before exercise. I'm an admin worker sat at a PC for most of the day, so basically inactive. hope that helps
  • davidlubich
    davidlubich Posts: 3 Member
  • CincyNeid
    CincyNeid Posts: 1,249 Member
    The question about your activity level while you're signing up is to best guess your Recommended Caloric Intake. A Bike Messenger or Construction Worker will need a higher Caloric Intake than say a Computer Programmer or someone working in Billing.

    Still record your workouts and steps as you normally would.

    As far as double recording I would log the workout in Apple Health And let it sync with MFP. I had to do that with my personal set up. I was using Garmin to record my Steps, and Strava to record my workouts and it was double recording everything, so I backed down to just one of those two and my problem went away.