Any Advice for Body Positivity?

I'm such a hypocrite. I can look at another person with the same body type and weight as me and think "Wow, they're so beautiful and stylish!" and then in the same breath call myself fat and ugly. I've had self-esteem and body image issues since I was little, and while I've managed to stop judging others and I can find beauty in anyone, I have trouble returning the favor toward myself.

Any tips? Or even just some commiseration? :(


  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Imagine how they feel when you compliment them, then put yourself in their shoes for that moment.
  • Fraancypaants
    Fraancypaants Posts: 6 Member
    I suppose a place to start is to appreciate and acknowledge that what you have, is GREAT. Like, IMMENSELY GREAT AND AMAZING. You deserve to be comfortable with yourself! Also, surround yourself with positive energy! There's always hope in the world, and you'll never know where it is! I believe in you, and that you can find more happiness with yourself! You can do it!
  • Mikachu326
    Mikachu326 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm sorry you feel that way, I used to be like that too. Try to stand in front of the mirror every night and find one thing you like about yourself (even if you start small, like your eyes or hair). And try not to place too much importance on your appearance. I like to think about all the things my body can do and draw happiness from that (e.g. "My legs are shaped funny, but they can run for a long time!" "My stomach is still a bit round, but my core strength is good!"). If your self-esteem is very low, counselling or body positivity workshops might benefit you. Most of all you need to be patient with yourself. Self-love isn't something that happens overnight, it requires lots of hard work and introspection. You'll get there eventually. Good luck!
  • all_in_the_game
    all_in_the_game Posts: 39 Member
    Sorry, wish I could help. I'm just a victim of the same issue and the more I introspect the more I find faults with myself. Sometimes I think I am like this because I want to be appreciated by others and feel that it is inappropriate or rude to compliment oneself (my mind may not necessarily feel that i'm worthless but doesn't accept it first hand), thereby indulging in self-loathing.
  • Lisamq11
    Lisamq11 Posts: 2 Member
    Dont focus on the negative find the positive.
    I have jiggly legs so what I can walk and run
    My belly is squishy so what I am a mom I carried my son
    I have flabby arms so what I can hug the ones I love
    Chubby cheeks so what they accent my smile when I look in the mirror and say to my self I'm not perfect but I am happy
  • southbaysonia
    southbaysonia Posts: 39 Member
    Imagine yourself as a child. You would never tell a child she's fat and ugly. Be kind to your inner child. She's always there, looking to you for guidance, support, and love.
  • devilinsoul
    devilinsoul Posts: 105 Member
    I have the same, distorted body image can be very dangerous for your mind :(( (and body as well) I have no idea why, but one day I am feeling okay and the other day I feel fat and ugly... And it makes me depressed and avoid everyone. ://
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Understand why you feel that way. Maybe buy new clothes you feel good in, haircut, those type of things. Perhaps seeing a psychologist would help too.

    I personally love watching Learningtobefearless and loeylane/loeybug on youtube. Plus sized girls who are all about body positivity. Around size 14/16