
Am i right in thinking whatever calories mfp says i have left to eat i should eat them all? Even when calories get added from exercise i do? Im just struggling to get my head around eating lots and still losing weight. Iv set my goal to lose 2lbs a week and iv got 1,400 calories. Iv just logged the food i normally eat and im left with 300-400 calories left and thats without doing any exercise. Iv been doing weight watchers for the last 9 weeks and been eating about 1000 calories and walking at least 10 thousand steps a day and iv lost 1stone 3lbs so just dont want to be eating more calories and put weight on. Does everyone find they are eating more than you would expect and still lose weight?


  • shancourcy16
    shancourcy16 Posts: 49 Member
    I can eat between 1600-2000 and still lose weight. I'd suggest only eating back 50% of your exercise calories because they are inflated on mfp.
  • ludazatobom
    ludazatobom Posts: 53 Member
    I asked a somewhat similar question a while back and someone has said that because now I'm eating foods that are not so calorie full ot feels as if I'm eating more than before. Where as before i could eat twice only and have had gone over my calories by a long shot. Also someone else has stated that since I'm new to this (32days) i shouldn't log my exercises in just yet. So i have taken those pointers into consideration. I think as long as you stay within your caloric limit even if it's a tad under you'll be fine and you'll lose. I love mfp because it adjusts it all ad the weight comes down guaranteeing weightloss and then maintenance once that has been reached.
  • jessicasmum2008
    jessicasmum2008 Posts: 68 Member
    Do you feel like you are on a 'diet' with how many calories you eat? To me if i eat more than i do now and still be within my calorie allowance i wont feel like im on a diet or feel restricted and i just seem to be having trouble getting my head around being able to eat more than i normally do and i will lose weight. Im a bit scared to be eating more than i do now incase i put weight on.especially has im doing a challenge right now to lose 10lbs in 5 weeks and if i dont i have to give my partner £20.
  • chonji4ever
    chonji4ever Posts: 120 Member
    Try tracking your calories for a while without any expectations of gaining or loosing to see what your base calorie needs might be. Try to hold yourself to the same number of calories per day for a couple of weeks to see if you gain, loose or stay the same. Average the daily scale weights you measure per week to use as your current weight. The suggested calories in MFP is a guide based on averages, but everyone has a different base metabolic rate(BMR) for needed calories to maintain your current weight. Your BMR will go up or down based on a lot of factors dealing with body composition, activity level and current weight.

    I eat a lot of meat and protein during "dieting", and that can make you feel full longer. Also, thirst and need for hydration can be confused with hunger.