Going out to eat

Big challenge today! Having dinner with a friend. Indian. I don't know how I'm going to keep under my calorie count today. Any advice?


  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Exercise today to add some additional calories into your allowance. Prioritize the foods you really want to eat and don't eat things just because they are there (not sure if this is a buffet). When I eat Indian food I love the naan and samosas the most so I often just order those and not get a full entree, or I split some tikka masala with my friend.

    In general some of my strategies for going out to eat include: banking calories in the days leading up so I have a few hundred extra for the meal, looking at the menu ahead of time so I can estimate how many cals I think the foods I want will be, exercising and prioritizing my choices as I mentioned above.

    Also keep in mind that depending on what goal you have set for yourself here (i.e. Lose 1 lb/week) you have a pretty large weekly deficit (3500 cals) built into your goal so even if you go over today by 500 cals, you are still in a deficit for the week overall.