
In about a month and a half I will begin my bulk journey I watched my overall intake and I only get a whopping 13% protein and 63% carbs. So I will start taking whey and fish oil pills to help my body improve also going to the gym 3 days a week and doing crossfit 5 days a week. Will all of this be good enough?


  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Time will tell if it's good enough.

    Personally I'd want to be sitting down and creating a bit more of a detailed plan, looking at overall calorie consumption and macronutrient split, as well as creating or using a proper progressive training program.

    With the extra calories you'll have at your disposal you can improve that protein intake with far more interesting and tasty things than whey.

    Any specific goals in mind?

  • Arucard5
    Arucard5 Posts: 39 Member
    Protein 40 carbs 40 fat 20 for the next year and a half. I just want to make sure everything goes right I will also add fish oil into my life since I don't eat actual fish
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Arucard5 wrote: »
    Protein 40 carbs 40 fat 20 for the next year and a half. I just want to make sure everything goes right I will also add fish oil into my life since I don't eat actual fish

    As @cityruss mentioned...make a more detailed plan. Set up your macros by GRAMs. That can be around 1g protein per pound of body weight, .35-.5g for fat, rest in carbs. You can play with that based on your own personal preferences as long as you are getting at least .8g protein per pound of lean mass, though I recommend more.

    Fish oil is great. It's not a magical muscle building supplement, but yes, take it especially if you don't eat fish.

    Cross-fit burns more calories than typical strength or body building proteins, so you'll need to be aware of calories out and make sure you are eating to support those workouts. I don't know too much about cross fit but 5 days per week plus whatever you are doing in the gym seems like a lot. Muscles also need to to recover in order to grow.
  • IAmThunderHawk
    IAmThunderHawk Posts: 231 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    As @cityruss mentioned...make a more detailed plan. Set up your macros by GRAMs.

    Just want to echo what both these users have said. Get your macros down and make sure you're hitting them, go work them out so you know your grams and not using % split.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    OP if you want a macro suggestion then set the protein first, then fats and rest for carbs. Good rule will be about min of .8 to 1 gr per body weight.

    Perhaps check out this site for macro suggestions


    If I were bulking and really trying to put on mass, I personally would not do crossfit 5 days a week. I would spend 5 days doing a progressive overloading strength program (perhaps a split) and supplement my lifting with a little bit of cross fit. This is just me though. I guess I need to know what the real goal is???

    Cross fit is going to burn a boat load of calories and you will need to ensure that the calories you burn from this is accounted for in your calorie surplus.

    Have you checked this list of programs out?
