Fitness Advice

Hey everyone! I am new to this and I am seeking some advice and I want to know if I am doing things right. There are a lot of inspirational and knowledgeable people on here and I would love to hear from you all!

Basically I am 21 year old male, 5'10 height and currently weigh 10 stone. I am not here to lose weight as such, I think my weight is average and healthy but maybe to lose stone or half would be cool. I am basically here to improve my physique and get the great abs and pecks.

Using myfitnesspal I have restricted my daily calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium and sugar to 1600, 220, 53, 60, 2500 and 32 retrospectively. So far I have been able to stick to this new diet plan and these figures do not include the extra calories I burned off doing the following workout scheme. Using equipment in my home gym I cycle for 30 minutes a day and burn on average around 200 - 250 calories and then do a combination of sit-ups, twisted sit-ups and weighted sit-ups using a decline bench. I currently do around 40 - 60 of these a day but planning to increase the reps/sets once my body gets used to this workout.

I just want to know if what I am doing sounds correct. to achieve my goal. I am not looking to get ripped, just to give my chest a bit more definition.

I look forward to hearing to some feedback!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    personally i dont think you need to be under 10 stone at 5ft10.... i would eat at maintenance, and get a decent full body strength training routine 3x a week, and change your macros (carbs, protein, fat) to 40%/30%/30% so you are getting plenty of protein (like 150g per day).
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    personally i dont think you need to be under 10 stone at 5ft10.... i would eat at maintenance, and get a decent full body strength training routine 3x a week, and change your macros (carbs, protein, fat) to 40%/30%/30% so you are getting plenty of protein (like 150g per day).

    ^^^^ This. 10 stone is a weight I'm aiming for at 5ft 4! so maybe reconsider the weight loss as such because you can still reduce body fat without 'losing weight'
  • andrewnd92
    andrewnd92 Posts: 21
    Thanks guys for your quick responses!

    Like I said I am not really here to lose weight but definitely want to lose the fat for sure! If I stick to my stationary bike routine of 30 minutes a day I am under the impression that this will burn the layer of fat on my belly and chest which I need to lose in order to get the physique I want. Is this the right??
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Thanks guys for your quick responses!

    Like I said I am not really here to lose weight but definitely want to lose the fat for sure! If I stick to my stationary bike routine of 30 minutes a day I am under the impression that this will burn the layer of fat on my belly and chest which I need to lose in order to get the physique I want. Is this the right??

    If I were you, I'd join a gym and at least double my intake, but obviously our goals are very different.

    If you want to go from scrawny to looking ill, keep doing what you're doing buddy!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks guys for your quick responses!

    Like I said I am not really here to lose weight but definitely want to lose the fat for sure! If I stick to my stationary bike routine of 30 minutes a day I am under the impression that this will burn the layer of fat on my belly and chest which I need to lose in order to get the physique I want. Is this the right??

    sort of, but not really. cardio will help with a calorie deifict, which will in turn help you to lose weight. but when you just 'lose weight' you lose water, fat and muscle. what you really want is to just lose fat.

    this can be done by eating plenty of protein and doing strenght training to minimise the muscle loss. with a bit of cardio as well, as its good for your health in general.

    thats a bit of an over simplification, but you get the idea!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Thanks guys for your quick responses!

    Like I said I am not really here to lose weight but definitely want to lose the fat for sure! If I stick to my stationary bike routine of 30 minutes a day I am under the impression that this will burn the layer of fat on my belly and chest which I need to lose in order to get the physique I want. Is this the right??

    You would be incorrect. Without resistance training your body is going to burn muscle at almost the same rate it burns fat. That's not going to result in the lower bf% you're seeking. So wasting time on different kinds of situps and start a full body routine. And double (or triple) that incredibly low protein number
  • andrewnd92
    andrewnd92 Posts: 21
    Okay thanks for your input. If I want to define my chest and stuff I will now take on-board what you all said reassess my routine. Also, I didn't mean that cycling would give me what I wanted, what I meant by this was cycling along with my current strength training. I didn't know about muscle loss.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Okay thanks for your input. If I want to define my chest and stuff I will now take on-board what you all said reassess my routine. Also, I didn't mean that cycling would give me what I wanted, what I meant by this was cycling along with my current strength training. I didn't know about muscle loss.

    just doing a few ab exercises isnt going to do it, you want full body!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You didn't list any strength training
  • andrewnd92
    andrewnd92 Posts: 21
    What would you suggest for a full body/strength training bearing in mind my stats that are listed? Age:21, 5'10 height and 10 stone
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What would you suggest for a full body/strength training bearing in mind my stats that are listed? Age:21, 5'10 height and 10 stone

    stronglifts 5x5 is supposed to be good, i got my routine from there.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    If you want muscle you need to eat and lift . what you are doing now is just creating a massive calorie deficit which ultimately burns fat and muscle . We the same age and height , you at 60Kgs man so eat big and lift heavy . make solid gains weekly and you will have pecs and abs in a couple of months
  • andrewnd92
    andrewnd92 Posts: 21
    Thanks Chadomaniac, you made the most sense :D