Looking for friends trying to lose 50+ lbs!! Add me!

I will be there to give you motivation and will he posting low calorie recipes!!


  • mlizzy3301
    mlizzy3301 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in, my name is Miriam and I need a pal to keep me accountable of what I eat everyday so if you're ready to do it I am I need to lose more than 50 pounds actually 75 but I know I have to take one step at a time so I will be your pal if you don't mind being mine like I said my name is Miriam and I log in every day so that's it and I'm new to the My Pal Fitness so you going to have to help me okay that's it hope to talk to you later
  • CeeCee972015
    CeeCee972015 Posts: 33 Member
  • marleebeale
    marleebeale Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! Looking to lose 40-50 lbs.
  • janettekathleen
    janettekathleen Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there, I've just started and need to lose over 50lbs. You can add me if you'd like.