Where are my mom's of toddlers/preschoolers at?



  • cphixo91
    cphixo91 Posts: 15 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm always looking for new mom friends! They can relate the most to me. I've got 2 kids ages 3.5yo and 4 months, it's so hard not to eat processed crap that's quick so it generally stays out of my house. After my oldest I lost 100 lbs and I'm now losing the last 5 lbs of pregnancy weight from baby #2! Lost 35 so far since I had baby so it's going well for me. Let's motivate eachother! :)
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Not a mom here but have a 5 and 3 yr old, both girls. It's a difficult adjustment going from being able to workout whenever to having to fit it in with being a parent and spending time with your kids. My wife and I used to workout together all the time. It took us a while after having kids to get back on track with a new routine.

    I find it works best for me to workout once the kids are asleep, usually around 9pm or so. I either workout in the basement with weights or I go to the gym nearby. I also joined a gym near my work so I can workout on my lunch break a couple times a week. My wife will go a few times a week during the day depending on what we're doing.

    At first you may feel guilty leaving your kids at home for an hour or so while you workout, but I think the benefits definitely outweigh any drawbacks. Sure you'll lose a little time with your kids, but you still need a little "me" time as an adult, you'll feel better by staying in shape, have more energy, and by getting a little short break from the kids it'll help you have more patience with them as well when they're more demanding.

    It's easy to say you don't have time or you're too tired, but the reality is you either have to find the time and get motivated to go or else you'll never go and the weight will just continue to creep on over time.

    Good luck, it's not easy, but it's not only good for you, but also good for your kids to see you're exercising and how that's an important part of life.