Accountability partner (s)

Hi guys!

I'm looking for a accountability partner who can keep me on track and I will do the same for you! I'm looking for someone who's serious and looking to loose weight and get on track. I'm also introducing some weight lifting into my regimen and really looking. Forward to sharing my experience.



    IAMCGIRAUD Posts: 1 Member

    I too am looking for an accountability partner as well. I was on a roll losing weight and then I had a major move, so I am getting back started today and trying to get myself back on track and finally back in shape. What exactly are you looking for in your partner?? I would love to have someone to motivate as well, so maybe we can help each other, so you can add me to your support group if you would like.....

    Oh, Btw, I am Kara.
  • LoveLyfe7
    LoveLyfe7 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Kara!

    I'm looking for someone who can check in daily, I know we all have busy lives but I need a partner that I can keep on track and updated with progress, also for moral support. I will add you
    Now. I'm super excited lol.
  • getsuna
    getsuna Posts: 5 Member
    Im looking for one too! Ive fallen off the wagon after having a second kid and I need someone to nudge me to keep going. Im sun and I'd be glad to help you out!
  • LoveLyfe7
    LoveLyfe7 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi I just added you.
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    You lose don't loose weight.
  • ElJefePerron
    ElJefePerron Posts: 88 Member
    kendahlj wrote: »
    You lose don't loose weight.

    Book em Dano, the grammar police nab another. Maybe the weight wasn't tight, ergo loose?