Help! Metabolism needs fixed after HCG



  • BKNew46
    BKNew46 Posts: 2 Member
    Worked like a charm for me. But I followed the diet precisely. It was easy and I kept the weight off, but you have to be committed all the way.

  • BKNew46
    BKNew46 Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the middle of it and loving the results so far. I also have a male friend 50 y/o who lost 40 lbs and a female friend 55 y/o who lost 60 lbs . They have both kept the weight off going on a year now. It takes commitment while you are doing it but even more once you are off of it. Both work out daily now which they never did when they were overweight. They also eat clean and keep the booze to a minimum.
  • Usa9872001
    Usa9872001 Posts: 27 Member
    edited August 2016

    the problem with that logic is that pregnant people gain weight, and they're supposed to. so why would anyone try hcg?

    Hcg levels peak in a woman's first trimester. Elevated hcg levels have been associated with a temporary hyperthyroid state...maybe that is the thought process.
  • krystalleighton
    krystalleighton Posts: 3 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    I am absolutely NOT condoning this diet, but why not just eat 500-800 calories a day and don't bother with HCG drops??

    Because it's magic! It's not the low calorie consumption that causes weight-loss, but the "stuff" in the drops. #smh
    Goodness there are some judgemental and catty people here. Read pounds and inches, before you judge. Myself? 90 pounds lost and maintained, tyvm.