Advice on losing sagging baby belly

My son was born by c-section 10 months ago weighing 10 lbs 3 oz. I gained 2 stone 10 lbs in pregnancy and have lost 3 stone 1 lb (1 stone 7 lbs through my fitnesspal), so I am now a few pounds under pre-pregnancy weight which I am really happy about. I plan to keep going for another stone and a half as I was wanting to lose weight anyway before I got pregnant.

I was a UK size 14 before pregnancy, on top and bottom. My stomach and hips weren't too bad, though my legs were quite chunky, in fact I was told I had a size 12 waist but it was my legs that made me need a bigger size (I always needed a belt on my trousers). I went up to a 16/18 just after I had my baby. My legs have slimmed down through using the rower machine however my hips and belly are out of proportion to the rest of my body! I am now a 10/12 below and a 14/16 on top because of my middle. The tops hang off my shoulders as a lot of weight has come off there too and my husband says I actually look like a size 10 around the shoulders!

My belly not only is out of proportion to the rest of my body, but has a lot of loose extra flesh which just hangs down. Pull in pants makes it look firmer and only makes me look pregnant. It is really affecting my self esteem and I have to choose my clothes very carefully. I can only wear certain tops and dresses are a nightmare because of my middle. It isn't just the belly but my hips carry the sagging flesh so stick out as a result. I would save for a small tummy tuck but I'd like to have another child and it would probably be best waiting until my child bearing days are over before having that done. I don't usually agree with cosmetic surgery but I feel so strongly about this that I can't think of any other answer.

Has anyone had this problem? I can't wear clothes properly and it makes my 3 stone weight loss sometimes feel pointless as I just feel fat and as though the weight loss hasn't helped me get into clothes I want to wear. Please tell me it will go down or there is something I can do to 'dress' to make my weight loss feel and look worth it