I'm 5'3 and weigh 129, I want to get down to 108



  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    leannan847 wrote: »
    No, I cannot afford one.

    Put money aside for one. When people say it is a game changer, they're right. It is very much a key component to my weight loss.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    IMHO, if you currently weigh 120lbs, WHEN did you weigh 108? that's VERY low for a person of your height. I wouldn't be going down in weight past what you are now. and i wouldn't be eating below 1200/day. i'm shorter than you and the last time i weighed 108 was in junior high school.
  • leannan847
    leannan847 Posts: 12 Member
    I just ordered a food scale from Amazon for the people replying to my older message.
  • leannan847
    leannan847 Posts: 12 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    leannan847 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    First, tighten up your logging to make sure you are being as accurate as possible, ideally with a food scale. If you aren't losing over a prolonged period you are likely eating at your maintenance cals which is most likely more than 1200 cals.

    Second, make sure your goals are appropriate. You said you wanted to be 108 because you used to weigh that, how long ago? Striving for the lowest weight you've been in your adult life isn't always the best thing to aim for. Maybe instead of focusing on a scale weight, adding some resistance training would be good. Many people find they like the body composition they achieve at a higher weight with strength training than with a lower scale weight and no focus on strength training to preserve lean muscle mass.

    Lastly, are you sure 1200 is the right calorie target for you? You should be aiming for 0.5 lb/week loss based on your stated goal, if you focus on recomp then you would also not want a high deficit. For what it's worth I'm 5'2 and lost 30 lbs eating between 1600-1900 cals and am maintaining now with a TDEE of 2200 cals.

    Thank you for the tips! :) I used to weigh 108 about six month ago, it was my usual weight until I gained 21 pounds. I have tried to consume more calories(they aren't "bad" calories) but I end up feeling really sick/tired. I will definitely add in some resistance training!

    You gained 20 lbs in 6 months? That's pretty fast, did something change in your life (suddenly became unable to exercise, new medication, major life event causing depression, etc)? It's certainly possible, I'm just curious if there was something that precipitated such a big change?

    My dad has Lewy Body Dementia and my mom is working full time. So I had to move closer to them and start taking care of my dad. I get overwhelmed very easily, so I started to eat, a lot. Around four months in, my parents started to notice that I was struggling. They told me to go to a counselor. I was prescribed antidepressants. I don't take any other kind of medicine or treatment. Now the stress eating has caught up to me :( That was the only major thing that has happened to me in the past year.
  • leannan847
    leannan847 Posts: 12 Member
    ^Some things I need to clarify, sorry I was rushing to answer. My parents were planning on moving when I was 14, I am 18 right now. I was very upset at the thought of moving, so my parents contacted my friends' families to see if I could stay with any of them instead. I stayed with my best friend(her parents were already planning on me staying with them) and when I turned 17, that's when I had to go back to my parents to help out. So yes, I am living with my parents still.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If you've been in a deficit for a year, take a maintenance break for a week or two. This will help raise your leptin/hormone levels again and give your mind and body a break. Then get back on track, using a food scale, with a small deficit of .5 lbs per week loss. I also suggest getting a certain number out of your mind. You were a girl when you weighed 108 and you're a woman now. Use measurements and pictures to measure progress.
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    I mean sorry I wish I was 128lbs I'm fat I weight 137.4lbs. I wannA weight 125lbs

    So I take it weighing 108 lbs, is out of the question for you now?
  • spiritbrat
    spiritbrat Posts: 80 Member
    You say you don't eat much junk food but what does your daily intake look like? No sweets or salt should be in your diet. Also, what do you drink? If only water great. But if you drink a lot of pop or juice that could be impacting your weigh loss. I make a rule to never drink my calories. Unless I have the odd glass of wine which I do on occasion.

    Good luck!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    spiritbrat wrote: »
    You say you don't eat much junk food but what does your daily intake look like? No sweets or salt should be in your diet. Also, what do you drink? If only water great. But if you drink a lot of pop or juice that could be impacting your weigh loss. I make a rule to never drink my calories. Unless I have the odd glass of wine which I do on occasion.

    Good luck!

    You can drink some calories if you log them. Same with sweets. And it's not safe to tell someone to eat no salt.
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    edited June 2016
    spiritbrat wrote: »
    You say you don't eat much junk food but what does your daily intake look like? No sweets or salt should be in your diet. Also, what do you drink? If only water great. But if you drink a lot of pop or juice that could be impacting your weigh loss. I make a rule to never drink my calories. Unless I have the odd glass of wine which I do on occasion.

    Good luck!

    The human body needs salt to live. Salt helps control our fluid balance and controls the way our muscles and nerves work.
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    edited June 2016
    spiritbrat wrote: »
    You say you don't eat much junk food but what does your daily intake look like? No sweets or salt should be in your diet. Also, what do you drink? If only water great. But if you drink a lot of pop or juice that could be impacting your weigh loss. I make a rule to never drink my calories. Unless I have the odd glass of wine which I do on occasion.

    Good luck!

    Ignore this post. I accidently created a new post.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    spiritbrat wrote: »
    You say you don't eat much junk food but what does your daily intake look like? No sweets or salt should be in your diet. Also, what do you drink? If only water great. But if you drink a lot of pop or juice that could be impacting your weigh loss. I make a rule to never drink my calories. Unless I have the odd glass of wine which I do on occasion.

    Good luck!

    Cutting out salt completely could be dangerous, and cutting out sweets is not necessary for weight loss.
  • spiritbrat
    spiritbrat Posts: 80 Member
    I guess I should clarify. I didn't mean completely but the poster.said she tried to limit junk food. I wasn't sure what her version of that is. As far as salt, I meant that it shouldn't be used in excess. I should of reworded that. Moral of the story really look at what you eat in a day.
  • leannan847
    leannan847 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your answers!! They have really helped me. I started to use a food scale and have one dessert per week. I'll keep updated if I start to lose weight again :)
  • spiritbrat
    spiritbrat Posts: 80 Member
    Good luck! Add me if you like!