Getting Back At It

Sfurze76 Posts: 7 Member
I was doing good losing weight and getting in shape then I hit a spot where I just wasn't motivated to go to the gym. I ended up going on strike at work for 45 days and over that time while picketing I walked an average of 5 miles a day and it got me thinking I need to do this. So now I am back at it trying to get my diet right. I am going to try to log all my food and exercise and see where it takes me. I want to lose 40 to 50 lbs. So looking for people to keep me motivated so friend me here and if on FITBIT friend me there


  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in the same spot too. I also have Fitbit. I will add you
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    I'm with you. I have 31 lbs left to lose. Also have a fitbit. I'll send you a friend request here with my fitbit info.
  • 0505jen
    0505jen Posts: 147 Member
    I don't have a fitbit but I have not been logging for several weeks. I have been keeping up with my exercise but back to overeating. I want to get back to losing have about 20 to go. It worked before and I am motivated to have it work again.