
Summer is here and im getting lazy. Its too hot to train , lots of bbqs, ice creams etc. How do you maintain your weight in summer and get motivated to run and exercise ?


  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Find an exercise that doesn't kill you in the heat? And bbq, eat more chicken then you don't load up on the buns and fatty meats, and ice cream just replace with lollies, so much fewer cals!
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    The heat's so bad I want to stay indoors, haha. I focus on lifting during the summer and do group classes for cardio. I do a lot more running during the winter when it's not 100 degrees. I also go lay by the pool a lot, and every time I put on a bikini I'm reminded why I'm working out all week.

    Food... Summer is amazing for produce, so I make awesome salads and veggie dishes. If we have a party, I make a not-boring salad that's more tempting (to me) than BBQ.

    I make ice cream fit in my day, because ice cream. Yum.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited June 2016
    I run when its hot, I will not make an excuse to not exercise or over indulge at bbq's and the daily visit from the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    I put my exercise as a high priority in my daily life! Make an commitment and stick to it. You are your only motivator. Not something we can pass through cyber space!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I run when its hot, I will not make an excuse to not exercise or over indulge at bbq's and the daily visit from the ice cream man in my neighborhood.

    I put my exercise as a high priority in my daily life! Make an commitment and stick to it. You are your only motivator. Not something we can pass through cyber space!

    I'm so glad you said this, as I have slacked off a LOT lately! And you're right, we are individually the best motivator.
    Food... Summer is amazing for produce, so I make awesome salads and veggie dishes. If we have a party, I make a not-boring salad that's more tempting (to me) than BBQ.

    Produce during the summer is amazing! My family and I recently went to a local beach for the day, and packed plenty of melons, berries, and veggies. My daughter and her friend (both 8) dove into that fruit that there was barely any left! B) But it made me feel good that my healthy food choices have carried over to them!

  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I find I'm much more active in the summer so it gives me some flexibility to go over on weekends when there are weddings and bbqs.