sugar alotment gone at breakfast



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Go to settings and turn off tracking for sugar...done!


  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Did you know that the dry creamer is HIGHLY flammable?

    Saw a guy light it on fire during a "Magic Show" once. He showed the kids scientific things that are "magic".

    when my husband was in college he worked at a gas station and they'd ignite the creamers to occupy themselves.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    1 cup cinnamon chex with 1/4 cup almond milk
    1 cup strawberrys
    1 cup coffee with 1 tablespoon and 1/2 of the girl scout cookie coffee creamer

    With this I'm already over my sugar allotment for the day. Is it the strawberries?

    the food diary should show you every thing broken down, scan it, find what foods put you over. if it's fruit, don't worry. If it is pre-made/packaged stuff like creamer or cereal)- replace them with something not as high.

    I record fruit as Quick Adds so I don;t obsess about the carbs and therefore omit fruit from my life,
  • kristenfischer12
    i looked up this topic because it's annoying me. yes, i had some actual candy last night but most the sugar is from my nonfat vanilla greek yogurt. it pisses me off---is that really how much sugar you're supposed to have/
    i don't have a medical reason to watch sugar, but that doesn't mean this doesn't concern me, yanno?
  • Tykk
    Tykk Posts: 153 Member
    The Cinnamon Chex and the creamer are the problem. The milk and the strawberries are fine. In fact, the strawberries are awesome, particularly at this time of year - mmmm!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I think it was the entire breakfasat - there's a lot of sugar in almond milk unless you buy unsweetened, there is a fair amount of sugar in any processed cereal, and strawberries, while sugary, aren't enough to blow the whole day. Nutrition label education. That's what this site will help you learn. And unless you have a reason that you need to track sugar or if you diet is all sugar, then I wouldn't worry about it. Balance is key.
  • kirstenkb
    kirstenkb Posts: 13 Member
    I would skip the sugary cereal and sugary creamer and just stick with the strawberries.
  • Tykk
    Tykk Posts: 153 Member
    I think it was the entire breakfasat - there's a lot of sugar in almond milk unless you buy unsweetened, there is a fair amount of sugar in any processed cereal, and strawberries, while sugary, aren't enough to blow the whole day.
    Ooh, you're right. There's no sugar at all in almond milk. But indeed, if it's the sweetened kind, it's an issue.

    And anyone who thinks sugar isn't an issue needs to watch this video:
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member
    Milk products have a lot of sugar in them. I am trying to watch my carbs and sugar and I can put a serious dent my sugar allotment on a cup of 0% plain Fage yogurt which has 9g of sugar.

    So like everyone else said, if there is no reason to watch your sugar than don't worry about it. If you are trying to watch your sugar than try to swap stuff out as you go along and be more mindful of labels, etc. This is only your second day so don't be too hard on yourself:)
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    It happens to me every single day. Not a single day has gone by that I have been under sugar, because milk contains 12g. of sugar in a cup, as does yogurt, and I have both of these in a day, plus a fruit. go figure!
    As long as it's not unnatural sugars, like in cookies, cakes, etc. I wouldn't worry about it.At least, I don't. :)

    Same here. I don't eat cakes, cookies and stuff like that, only fruit. Any more than one piece of fruit a day will take you over MFP "sugars". I guess I should turn the damn thing off, as suggested by others!
  • alienbutterflie
    This is kind of good to read because although I signed up some time ago have only just really starting getting into MFP this week and every day my sugar count is over. I find that I am often over my protein as well which is very hard to bring into line, all the others I am almost ok with.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    I was going over on sugars every day because of fruits, never for anything else since my sugar intake, otherwise, is near zero. I took the useless sugar thing off and replaced it with tracking the much more important cholesterol which I also am typically under but I care more about.
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    Yogurts are generally full of sugar. Don't be fooled by the "nonfat" label into thinking it's healthy.
  • Tykk
    Tykk Posts: 153 Member
    Milk has no fructose in it, so no need to worry about it. (The sugar values on the label are measuring lactose.) Fruit does have fructose (duh) but with lots of fibre, so mainly not a big issue. Yoghurt is bad news because it usually has a ton of added sugar. Plain Greek yoghurt is fine if you can stand it. (I can't personally - yoghurt is no fun if it isn't sweet.)

    And everyone should be somewhat concerned about sugar, or at least fructose. It is directly linked to insulin resistance, suppresses your grehlin response (stopping you getting full when you eat), and messes with your dopamine pathways.

    But most people needn't worry about blowing past MFP's sugar recommendations if it's because you're drinking milk and eating fruit.