Can't get to 10,000 steps. :(



  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Today I spent 6 hours in conference calls. 6 lonnnngggg Hourssss of nothing to say, but information I needed to get updated on. I also got up and moved. Stepping in place, and making sure I got my 250 steps per hour. It's weird that I need to accomplish this, but I noticed that I have a small sense of accomplishment doing this. I also walk around the conference room while on phone calls. My co-workers are all used to it. Some people pace, I do laps. Get more friends and do the daily challenges. I know they keep me motivated when so and so is creeping up on me. LOL. Enjoy your fitbit and know that it can add goals for you to keep moving and reminders that you have been sedentary.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I don't know how people get so many steps in a day. I walk up and down every single street in my neighborhood, and that's only 2,000 steps. Then I spend the whole rest of the day walking and working around my house as a SAHM, and it's still a good day if I get 8,000 steps total. And I've been doing this for a year and a half.
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    I have to have a good amount of time specifically devoted to walking in order to reach 10,000. If I just try to keep busy and get moving on a regular basis during the day, I might reach 7,000 but not always. Whether I have time to devote to walking is outside of control. If the kids are in school, I walk on the treadmill at the gym quite a while (with my Fitbit in my pocket) so I get to 10,000 pretty easily. It isn't so easy to get time to myself in the summer. I try to get the kids out walking on trails and things but sometimes we're busy with other stuff.

    I don't beat myself up if I can't get that many steps in. I try to just use it as a reminder to exercise and just generally walk around more. Like if I take my daughter to the park, the Fitbit reminds me to stand up and wander around instead of sitting on a bench.
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    I started only getting about 4-5k a day. I started to work my way up to 7k and 10k over the last year. Now I can't sit too long. I clean my house more which is a bonus and just play with my kids. Start by seeing where you're at and build up 1000 steps at a time! You'll get there
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    I really worked on cleaning my house the last few days. It is amazing how many steps you get in, when you focus on not sitting in front of the TV and vegging out.
  • fitness1398
    fitness1398 Posts: 11 Member
    I find when I go to work m-f I get in about 15,000 steps. This has been gradual over two years. Now I get excited when I hit 25,000. I walk to work in the morning. I walk on my coffee breaks (1km) twice a day. I tried to walk at lunchtime. How I really got here? I just tried to beat yesterday's steps even if it only meant a couple more each day. You can do it but it might take a few weeks. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kooshky wrote: »
    It just makes me feel like I'm lazy when I can't reach the target "10,000 steps" people always talk about.

    I overrode that goal to 7000 for myself, on work days I get there. On days when I'm studying, I don't get anywhere near it. It doesn't mean I don't work out in other ways (swimming, lifting). That 10,000 is one metric out of so many possibilities. I spent two hours walking my dogs today and still didn't hit that number. Do it, or don't. Just don't let it influence how you feel about yourself.
  • kooshky
    kooshky Posts: 77 Member
    mickey2942 wrote: »
    I really worked on cleaning my house the last few days. It is amazing how many steps you get in, when you focus on not sitting in front of the TV and vegging out.

    I was never in front of the TV yesterday. Actually, I was cleaning...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    10,000 steps is really just some generic metric...I work at a desk and doubt I get anywhere near that on a daily basis...but I do a lot of other training...I'm a cycling enthusiast and I lift...I primarily do endurance cycling but currently I'm training for a couple of time trial events I'm slated for.

    10,000 steps is just a singular metric, and a very generic one at doesn't really have anything to do with whether you're fit or not.
  • batman5250
    batman5250 Posts: 5 Member
    You can get to 5 billion steps, kooshky! Don't let little things like that get to your head.