Balancing Work, Good Health, and Staying Fit

I'm motivated to balance work, life, family and staying fit. Would love the extra accountability and meet new people!

Would love to exchange meal plans, recipes, and exercise ideas.



  • JuicerLab
    JuicerLab Posts: 22 Member
    I honestly feel that the best way to stay fit and eat right is to take a balanced approach. We all know that too much refined sugars are no good, however in all honesty, those who think just drinking protein shakes all day is better aren't really doing it right either. By balance I mean in everything including your workouts. If you're big on lifting weights make sure to incorporate exercises that benefit both your cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. I feel like too many people only focus on one. Same concept with food. Balance out what you eat. If you think that you overeat, something that I like to do (haha don't judge me on this), is take a bite out of whatever it is you wanted (let's just say ice cream). Make it a small bite, but a big enough bit so you can taste it, then drink a glass of water. It helps me get the pleasure of that taste without overindulging in foods that I know I would overindulge in. Haha I really hope that helps. There is no secret to health. Everyone is different and you really need to get to know yourself. Know you're strengths and weaknesses and how your body reacts to certain things. Then basically just take advantage of your strengths and work on your weaknesses.