Hi looking for friends with bipolar disorder and weight gain

Hi everyone. I suffer from bipolar disorder. It has affected me with my fitness progress. I've gained a lot of weight because of my medications. I'm currently depressed and would like to relate to others who have bipolar or any sort of mental disorder! Let's all support each other!


  • CoolMona777
    CoolMona777 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi jainafaith, For years I have lived with the problem you describe above. I have lived with bipolar disorder for 35 years. Only now, at the age of 55, and the fact that I have stopped working have I begun an actual program as of last week. I have no exercise program yet. What depresses me the most is how physically active I used to be and how I hardly walk now due to foot surgeries and knee repair and the added weight over the years. I need to get back into the swing of things. I am looking for a buddy to get into some type of exercise regimen. The hard part is that I need to do it as if I were 80 years old. I fear hurting myself once on a program where the increased addition of speed or weight will be added. I have weak knees and ankles. My feet also have chronic plantar facsiatis(sp).