Gallbladder problems - how to cope??

radiant_future Posts: 33 Member
edited June 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Am struggling with a diseased gallbladder and waiting for hospital appointment.
I get pain - ranging from crippling intense to constant ache to none !!!
And extreme exhaustion.
Annoying because I can barely do the usual stuff let alone exercise .
Would really appreciate any advice about pain relief and food.
Thanks xx


  • candi619
    candi619 Posts: 2 Member
    I used to take ibuprofen or a prescription pain med and let the hot water from the shower hit my lower back for about 10 to 15 mins. Also sitting in a hot bath works sometimes. Stay away from tomato based and real fatty foods as it seems to trigger it. However, nothing is better than getting it removed altogether because it never gets any better. I dealt with it for 5 years.
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    I just had mine removed on Friday. I found that eating small meals six times a day rather than three meals was helpful. Watching my fat intake and avoiding spicy food was also helpful. I you get an appointment soon!
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I used to take buscopan forte as soon I felt the pain starting, sometimes I could avoid a full blown attack that way. Also the shower on my lower back (I was preg at the time so couldnt get the hot shower on my stomach). I spent many hours under that shower. A bath or hot water bottle would work too.

    Lean meats or little to no meat, limit dairy (We eat full fat dairy). Its hereditary in my fam and my sister had to basically go vegetarian for 3 months as she also got it in her second preg and had to wait until the baby was born before she could have surgery.

    I ended up only suffering for about 6 months in total as it was misdiagnosed as preg indigestion until my baby was about 6 weeks old after a horrific attack in which a stone must have been stuck and the attack lasted 5 days (sign of this besides the lasting attack was white poo). Unfortunately for me poor health care at the hospital at the beginning meant that I just waited it out instead of going back up to the hospital and I really should have had a emergency surgery then. I had surgery when he was about 11-12 weeks old.

    One other thing is be careful after the surgery, I was told to limit meat and dairy for a month afterwards and reintroduce slowly, also dont over do it as it takes about a month to recover even though I had keyhole and it looks rather minor from the outside it is major internal surgery. Due to the age of my baby I was let out of hospital the next day. I learnt the hard way after a trip to the hospital about 1 week after surgery in severe pain after over doing it.

  • rosecropper
    rosecropper Posts: 340 Member
    Extremely hot baths or heat pack for pain. Mint tea and peppermint candies for nausea.
    Very low fat diet- I used to eat less than 15gm per day while having attacks. No booze. Lots of fiber and water.
    Hope you can get into hospital soon.
  • adoette
    adoette Posts: 181 Member
    While I'm usually a proponent of good healthy fats in a diet, limit them!

    A good rule o thumb is to look at specific medical diets (available from google) for gall stones and gout. I think the gout diets work as well.